
Forms for the contributions of the Provincial Chapter to be sent to the GC29

Lubumbashi (RDC), November 19, 2023

Prot. 23/R/003

To Rev

Moderator of the Provincial Chapter

Subject: Forms for the contributions of the Provincial Chapter to be sent to the GC29

Dear Moderator,

I congratulate you on your appointment as Moderator of the Provincial Chapter of your Province, Vice Province or Circumscription. My contacts with you are now beginning and I hope that our collaboration will be fruitful.

Attached to this letter you will find the forms for the contributions of the Provincial Chapter to be sent to the GC29. These contributions need to be written in one of the following languages: Italian, French, English, Portuguese or Spanish.

First of all there are the forms for each of the first two key issues of the theme "Passionate for Jesus Christ, dedicated to the youth". To help encourage a concentration on the priorities, I kindly ask you to adhere to this suggestion: "The written document will constitute the contribution of the Provincial Chapter to the GC29. “For each key issue it would be best that the written document to be sent to the Moderator as the contribution of the Provincial Chapter for GC29 not be more than two pages" (ACG 441 p. 32-33). For this reason, we send you the aspects to deepen for each key issue, always with the methodology "listening-interpretation-choice", but for the answers of the Provincial Chapter that you will send to the Moderator, we will send you a URL link so that you can insert the text directly into the form.

Later, once we have the fruit of the preliminary work of the General Council, we will provide you with a form for proposals regarding juridical topics that refer to the Constitutions and General Regulations, to the life of the province and local communities, and the form for proposals regarding the life of the Congregation, the Constitutions or the Regulations. In this case, it is necessary that on each form there is just one proposal expressed in a clear and concise manner with the reasons for it.

These contributions need to be sent in digital form before June 16, 2024:

to me, the Moderator of the GC29:

to Fr Patrick, secretary of the Moderator of the GC29:

I take this opportunity to send you my best wishes.


In Don Bosco


Key Issue 1

ITApri il file docx EN Apri il file docxESApri il file docx FR Apri il file docxPTApri il file docx 


Key Issue 2

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