

The GC29 logo is made up of various graphic elements which together manifest the GC29 theme: “PASSIONATE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST, DEDICATED TO YOUNG PEOPLE. Living our Salesian vocation faithfully and prophetically.”

Within the image of the logo it is possible to isolate several figures charged with meaning:

The CROSS (inserted in the G and joined to the 2): “By our religious profession,” as  the brandbook created for the logo explains, “we offer ourselves to God to walk in the footsteps of Christ and work with him in building the Kingdom. The apostolic mission, fraternal community and the practice of the evangelical counsels are the inseparable elements of our consecration, lived in a single movement of charity towards God and our brothers and sisters. The COLOUR takes up the palette from the Salesians logo, to highlight Salesian consecration. The HEART (stylised at the top of the G and in the 2): “To be in the Church signs and bearers of the love of God for young people, especially those who are poorest.”

The YOUNG PEOPLE (blue, at the base of the G): “We live as disciples of the Lord by the grace of the Father who consecrated us through the gift of his Spirit and sends us out to be apostles of the young.” SALESIANS and LAY PEOPLE: to manifest  CORE AREA 2 of the theme, "Salesians, Salesian Family and Lay People together ‘With’ and ‘For’ Young People.

DON BOSCO and the SALESIANS (the former, identifiable by the traditional biretta, before the G; the second, represented with warm colours from red to yellow, at the junction between C and G): they express CORE AREA 1 of the theme, "Animation and care of the true life of each Salesian"; and CORE AREA 3, "A courageous review and re-planning of the Congregation’s governance at all levels.”

CALLIGRAPHIC REFERENCES: The choice of the colour palette for C and G and the General Chapter text expresses continuity with GC28 (2020), characterised by the blue colour palette. The RED that characterises the number 29 indicates the main colour of the identity of the SALESIANS OF DON BOSCO, the presence recalls the logo of the Salesians SDB.ORG.