


The preparation of GC29 involves a schedule of engagements, marked by the following calendar.

September 2023

During the period 18 - 26 September, the Rector Major and the General Council studied the theme of General Chapter 29, its procedures and calendar. On 25 September, the Rector Major appointed Fr Alphonse Owoudou as Moderator of GC29, in accordance with Article 112 of the General Regulations.

On the same day, 25 September, the Rector Major, in accordance with Art. 112 of the Regulations, appointed the Technical Commission for GC29, composed of the following confreres: Fr Alphonse Owoudou, Fr Guido Garino, Fr Patrick Anthonyraj, Fr Francesco Marcoccio, Bro. Jean Paul Muller, Fr Stefano Martoglio.

This Commission, chaired by the Moderator, met in Turin on 26 September and drafted the following contributions:

  • Preparation process for GC29, as of the starting date set by the General Council.
  • Outline for reflection and work on GC29, offered as an aid to Provinces.
  • Suggestions for the preparation and conduct of the Provincial Chapters.
  • Juridical norms for the elections

The contributions prepared by the Technical Commission were forwarded to the Rector Major through the Moderator and have become part of this issue 441 of the Acts of the General Council.

October 2023

On 4 October, the Rector Major officially convoked General Chapter 29, through no. 441 of the AGC, in accordance with articles 150 of the Constitutions and 111 of the General Regulations. He then established its main purpose, place and starting date.

With the Acts of the General Council No. 441, the following are sent to the Provinces: the letter of convocation of the Rector Major with the theme and aims of GC29; the guidelines concerning the process of preparation for GC29; the outline of reflection for the local and provincial communities; the instructions for the conduct of the Provincial Chapters; the norms for elections.

November 2023

The Regulator sends Provincials the forms for the minutes and specimen forms for the contributions of the Provincial Chapters and the confreres to GC29. They are also posted on the Salesian Headquarters website:

The Rector Major appoints the Commission for the revision of the minutes of the election of the Provincial Delegates to the GC29 (cf. Reg. 115). Under the responsibility of the Moderator, this commission checks in advance the count and the lists of confreres belonging to the Province or Vice-Province in view of the Provincial Chapter.

December 2023 – June 2024

By the end of December 2023, the Provinces shall send the “General List of Confreres belonging to the Province in view of the Provincial Chapter” to GC29 (cf. ACG 441).

In the period from December 2023 to June 2024 the preparatory work is carried out in the Provinces  and Provincial Chapters are held (C. 171-172), the date for which must be set with the following deadline in mind.


February 2024

The Rector Major appoints the Pre-Chapter Commission to prepare the “Working Document” to be sent to participants of GC29 (cf. R. 113).


1 July 2024

By this date, the following documents must be received by the GC29 Moderator in digital format:

  • Minutes of the election of CG29 Delegates and their substitutes
  • Contributions from the Provincial Chapters.
  • Contributions from individual confreres or groups of confreres.

Proposals arriving after 1 July 2024 cannot be considered.

The Provincial Chapters, which will study issues related to the Province and will have established resolutions that must be approved by the Rector Major with his Council in accordance with Constitution 170, shall send these resolutions to the Secretary General.

End of July 2024

The contributions received are sorted and classified by a group specially established by the Moderator.

September 2024

The Pre-Chapter Commission meets to prepare the “Working Document” (Reg. 113).

November 2024

The CG29 “Working Document”, prepared by the Pre-Chapter Commission, is sent in digital format to the Provincials and Provincial Delegates to GC29.

December 2024 - February 2025

Members of GC29 shall study the documents in their own provinces.

16 February 2025

Beginning of General Chapter 29 Arrival  by 15 February.

Conclusion of the Chapter

The duration of GC29 is seven weeks and four days; the conclusion is scheduled for 12 April 2025.