
Sixth communication

Valdocco (Turin), 16 January 2024
Prot. 24/R/009


To the Rev
Moderator of the Provincial Chapter


Subject: Form for the minutes of the election of the Delegates of the Province and their Substitutes to the GC29

Dear Moderator,

 I am sending you a note regarding what needs to be done in carrying out the Provincial Chapter; it refers to the form to be completed for the minutes of the election of the Delegates of the Province and their Substitutes to the GC29.

The election of the Delegates of the Province and their Substitutes to the GC29 is one of the important tasks of the Provincial Chapter. For the number of the Delegates and their Substitutes for each Province, Vice Province or Circumscription with a special statute, what is indicated in Reg. 114 needs to be followed.

In the election, what is said in Reg. 169 should be kept in mind that «it is desirable for Chapters and Council to express by the significant presence of clerical and lay members the complementary relationship between them that is characteristic of our Society».

This copy of the minutes should be sent in digital form by 15 June 2024 to Fr Patrick Anthonyraj, Secretary of the Moderator of the CG29:

With best wishes,

In Don Bosco.


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