Regional Councillor
The Regional Councillors promote a more direct liaison between the provinces and the Rector Major and his Council.
They look after the interests of the provinces assigned to them. They foster in the General Council a knowledge of local situations in which our mission is carried out. (C. 140).

Fr NGUYEN Thinh Phuoc Joseph
Regional Councillor for East Asia - Oceania
1st Profession
- Baccalaureate in Philosophy (Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, USA, 1995)
- Licentiate in Philosophy (Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, USA, 1997)
- PhD in Theology (Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, USA, 2002)
Previous roles
- Formator (Dalat Studentate, VIE, 2002-2015)
- Provincial Councillor for Formation (VIE, 2015-2020)
Vietnamese, English, Italian, French