Regional Councillor
The Regional Councillors promote a more direct liaison between the provinces and the Rector Major and his Council.
They look after the interests of the provinces assigned to them. They foster in the General Council a knowledge of local situations in which our mission is carried out. (C. 140).

Fr PÉREZ GODOY Juan Carlos
Regional Councillor for the Mediterranean Region
1st Profession
- Licensed Professor of EGB (Escuela Cardenal Spínola – Seville, 1981)
- Tiempo Libre Director (Alcalá de Henares, 1983)
- Baccalaureate in Theology (CET Seville – Granada, 2012)
- Licentiate in Ecclesiastical Sciences (CET Seville - Granada, 2012)
- Catchetical Studies. San Pío X (Madrid, 2006-2007)
- Master in Youth Ministry and Catechetics (CEC-CET Seville – Granada, 2012)
Previous roles
- Provincial Councillor (SSE, 1989-1996-2009-2011)
- Provincial Delegate for YM (SSE, 1988-1998-2011-2014)
- Rector of Catechetical Study centre (1989-1998)
- Rector of the Escuela de Tiempo Libre Don Bosco in Andalucía (1988-1998)
- Delegate for Mission Animation (SSE, 1988-1992)
- Coordinator for Vocational Orientation (SSE, 1988-1992)
- Vice Provincial (SSE, 1996-2000-2011-2014)
- Provincial (SSE, 2000-2006)
- Rector (Cádiz, 2007-2011-2013-2014)
- Provincial (SSM, 2014-2020)
- President of Catholic Schools of Andalucía (2002-2006)
- National President of Catholic Schools of Spain (2015-2020)
Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese