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Newsletter - February 2012

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Newsletter no. 30, February 2012

At a glance
In other news

Peru: "School communicator" Programme


To provide a better service to its listeners and supporters, on 14 January Radio Don Bosco broadcast its programmes on its new web site. Immediately greetings, compliments and offers of strategic alliances from all parts of the Salesian and non-Salesian world came in. This was certainly a very positive result for Radio Don Bosco Peru, which began less than a year ago on 16 May 2011.
      On the day the site  was launched, “Radio Don Bosco – young music like you” already had 881 friends and 714 fans on its  profile on Facebook. Its programmes are listened to in South Korea, France, Italy, the United States, Spain and the whole of Latin America.  In Peru on Saturdays many oratories tune their loadspeakers to  the programmes from  and hundreds of other youngsters listen at home, each time feeling more identified with the great Salesian Family.
The project is the result of the Provincial Communication Delegation wanting to have a presence that was inter-active, animating and evangelising among the young and in the works of the Province, benefitting from what the Internet offers. In this way in the days of the Novena to Mary Help of Christians  in May  2011, Radio Don Bosco Peru first made its appearance.
Today Radio Don Bosco broadcasts live every Saturday afternoon between 15 and 21 (local time) with the  programmes “Oratory Speaking”, “DJ Wave” and “Safe Zone” presented by young past pupils and catechists from the “Saint Francis of Sales Salesian Institute” the  “Mary Help of Christians” Salesian Institute and parish in Breña, assisted by Fr Augusto Sakihama SDB. In the course of 2012 it is anticipated that other members of the Salesain Family, representatives of the other works in the country, will join the production team of  Radio Don Bosco Peru.

DB Twitter Trend - Spain


On 31 January “San Juan Bosco” was among the 10 most used terms by Spanish users of Twitter. The same phenomenon occurred in Latin Amercan countries.
    Each day Twitter, the short-message network on which 65% of Spanish browsers are enrolled indicates the terms most used in the course of the day. These are called the “Trend Topics” (TT), for the day.   
     On the morning of 31 January between 8 and 12, the name “San Juan Bosco” joined the top ten TT throughout the country. In the course of the day the term joined the list of those most used also in other Spanish-speaking countries such as the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, as well as in Brazil. In these last two countries the saint from Piedmont was even present with two terms in the top-ten, as San Juan Bosco/São João Bosco and as Don Bosco/Dom Bosco.
    Some Twitter users were surprised to find “San Juan Bosco” among the most used words and made a comment about it on their profiles. For example user @yisu88 wrote: “Today is Saint John Bosco’s Day! And also TT. You won’t believe it but it made me very happy! What memories... :D”; or, Noemí said, using the classic youth  abbreviations: “San Juan Bosco, I hadn’t even remembered until I saw it ON TWITTER! Vivaa don boscooo XD”.

Do you want to prepare a banner for You could prepare for an upcoming feast day, or the Strenna theme or other.... 570x165 px please.

From you

Los Angeles - a request
".....Currently I am working with a group of young adults who are assisting in the production of content for a prayer space on a future website we hope to be a virtual oratory
for youth.
I would like to know how others may be working to create Salesian social media that prompt youth reflection, authentic questioning, prayer and sharing, as suggested by Pope Benedict in his 2012 World Communication Day message when he stated:
"Attention should be paid to the various types of websites, applications and social networks which can help people today to find time for reflection and authentic questioning, as well as making space for silence and occasions for prayer, meditation or sharing of the word of God".
I would also like to know how these initiatives are being animated in other provinces:
What department is taking the lead role? (Social Communications, Youth Ministry or Mission Animation).
How are departments are working together to make it happen?
How are youth being engaged in the production of content relevant to their peers?
We are obviously sorting out here who can do what in terms of animation".
Judy Wilber Alvarez
Is there anyone who might also be able to respond to Judy's request? Her email:

Barcelona: Edebé Children and Youth Literature Awards


Excerpt from Fr Angel Asurmendi's address to the Edebé (Barcelona) Prize event.
"No tengo por qué ocultar que siento una particular satisfacción al dirigiros un saludo muy cordial con motivo de la celebración de la XX edición del PREMIO EDEBÉ de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.
Estoy seguro de que será de vuestro interés conocer la razón de ser del acto que hoy estamos celebrando.
En veinte años, la editorial EDEBÉ ha distribuido millones de ejemplares de buenas lecturas para niños, adolescentes y jóvenes, en muchos países y utilizando idiomas muy diversos. Pues bien, esta realidad ha sido posible porque en 1887, hace precisamente 125 años, Don Bosco, el Fundador de la Familia Salesiana, decidió crear en Sarriá los talleres Salesianos de tipografía y encuadernación.
Estos talleres fueron creados con el propósito de acoger y educar a los jóvenes que acudían a la Barcelona sin formación y sin trabajo. Puede sorprender, pero aquellas fueron las primeras 'escuelas profesionales de España'.
De aquellos talleres salieron los libros que, con el paso del tiempo, han dado lugar a la extensa, valiosa y valorada colección de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil que impulsó la creación del Premio EDEBÉ, hace ya veinte años.

Forward to a friend

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ROME-Pisana: 1-4 March, Salesian Publishers Europe.
OSTRAVA-Czech Republic: 8-11 March, Multimedia Europe.
SANTIAGO-Chile: 12-15
April, Publishers, TV/Radio Americas.
UPS-FSCS-Italy: 12 May  - novices and postnovices SDB and FMA; joint meeting to discuss the Pope's Communications Day Message
LISBON-Portugal: SC Delegates 2-4 May; PE Reference Persons 4-6 May 2012.
ROME-Pisana: 16-20 May, Salesian Bulletin Editors (world)


Please note: has moved to 'clean URLs' which should improve your browsing experience.

Animation - Letter from Fr Filiberto

My dear confreres and friends of SC,
You are all aware that in SSCS we hold formation to be both a principle and a strategy. We have already mentioned twice that we will be beginning a shared experience with the FMA Institute.
     The idea is that this will be repeated annually in every Province, by organising a study day together based on the Pope's Message for the World Communications Day for that year. In Italy the details have already been planned around the theme for this year:  Silence and Word, path of evangelisation. It would be up to each Province to look at ways to do similar according to circumstances and needs. By studying the Pope's message together each like like this we would hope to guarantee a simple and systematic sharing with the Church and the SF which can convert us into 'communicators' and witnesses of New Evangelisation. There has already been quite some discussion going on between the General Councillors for Formation and for SC for both SDBs and FMAs.
     Let me conclude by recalling a wise anecdote that might help us during our journey of conversion through Lent.
     One day a priest was given the gift of an old church which needed refurbishment if it were to become a parish church and logically, he would be the parish priest. To make the right sort of alterations which would be both up to date and according to the culture, he checked with Mother Teresa of Calcutta.  She came with him to the church so there was time to ask her these things. He asked her what he could do to make the best changes:
"Mother, in your opinion, what is the first thing we should do in this sacred space?"
Mother thought for a moment in silence, then with a firm but ever-kindly voice, said:
"My opinion and yours...."
     Until next time and with a memento in prayer,
Fr Filiberto González, Councillor for SC

Information: Domain news

Persistent URL (PURL) available
A persistent URL (which may be abbreviated as PURL) is a maintainable identifier that allows us to refer to a digital object – a file or set of files, such as an e-print (article, paper or report), an image or an installation file for a piece of software. PURL examples (these are real): (mapped to,  (mapped to, (mapped to, (mapped to a very long URL which holds all language versions of Cagliero11).
Why a PURL?
The object may be moved or renamed. A site's hostname may be changed: in recent years the address has altered for ANS: to  In the event of any change of server or domain, the PURL will always work.
Normal server administration factors such as a name change (especially domain) should not break identifiers that we wish to be persistent.
Standards for persistent urls (or uris)
There are several standards currently at a mature stage of development:
  *  the Uniform Resource Name (URN); (designed to describe an identity rather than a location, e.g. urn:isbn:12345678)
  *  the persistent URL (PURL); the Handle system; (best used for what we normally know as a website)
  *  the digital object identifier (DOI); (primarily for electronic documents rather than physical objects)
    ...and several others.
Is TinyURL a PURL?
    TinyURL is both a shortener (it would be useful for a long URL for example, which can run into more than 100 characters), and a redirection service. In some respects it is a PURL, but it cannot be guaranteed to the same extent that one of the standard approaches mentioned earlier can be.
    In the end, it must also be recognised that no technology can guarantee ultimate persistence! At best it relies on a human being (to make a change, for example, when the target address has changed). And human beings are not persistent in earthly terms!
Can we all use a PURL?
    The short answer is 'yes'. The Salesian Congregation, through the SC Department, has maintainer rights with the OCLC PURL Resolver.
 Any Salesian website could request the SC Department to create a further subdomain and point it to your website homepage.
     The Department maintainer could then offer one of two possibilities - that you nominate a person as a 'writer' with permission to alter the target should it ever alter - or you simply send the SC Department in Rome your altered target URL and we will alter it for you.  What you cannot do is create another /sdb top domain with
    If interested, please contact

top level domain

as a top level domain?
The question is simple, the answer not so, but the question needs to be asked. Do we want to have a top level domain as the Salesian Congregation, which every Salesian website could use (and only Salesian SDB since it would be strictly managed)  For example, www.our_web.sdb
    For something like $200,000 (once-off payment), it would be possible. Clearly this cost would have to be shared by the entire Congregation. The domain would be managed by the Direzione Generale, since Top Level Domain management has strict parameters. The SC Department is interested in your point of view on this.  If you wish to offer an opinion (which is the only level of interest we are currently showing in this), please write to us about it.

Formation: joint SDB and FMA initiative

Silence and Word: path of evangelisation, the Pope’s message for the 46th World Communications Day will be the subject of a study and formation day organised by the Social Communication sectors of the Salesan Congregation and Salesian Sisters Institute for young SDB and FMA in formation.
In recent years the Pope’s messages for World Communications Day – which this  year will be held on 20 May in most parts of the world – have brought the Church in an authoritative manner into the digital  world with proposals regarding vales and formation, and a genuine view of humanity.
    Last year the two Social Communication sectors offered, via their respective sites,  an area with materials for personal  formation and animation at local level in view of  the World Communications Day 2011.
    This year the two Councillors  for Social Communication Fr Filiberto Gonzalez and Sr. Giuseppina Teruggi, are continuing their collaboration and have planned  a Formation Seminar for those in formation, on 12 May.
Novices, Post-novices from San Tarcisio, the Sisters 'Juniores', and students of theology from the Blessed Zephyrinus Namuncurà Gerini community will take part with their respective formation personnel.
    Some teachers of communication in the SDB and FMA study centres will also be taking part. In In the light of the Message of Benedict XVI, the Coordinating team will draw up the programme for the day.
    The two Councillors hope that this initiative can become a model for similar events at Province and local level with Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians engaged in the formation of young religious in communication.
--------------- A BLOGGER'S COMMENT---------------
It would be easy enough to write about the need for silence amidst the many forms of jabbering communication that surround us.  Indeed, one might suspect an octogenarian pope, born in the pre-electric era, to take this option.  But he offers instead a reflection on the interplay of silence and speech, locating silence as a part of communication.
    "Silence is an integral element of communication; in its absence, words rich in content cannot exist. In silence, we are better able to listen to and understand ourselves; ideas come to birth and acquire depth; we understand with greater clarity what it is we want to say and what we expect from others; and we choose how to express ourselves. By remaining silent we allow the other person to speak, to express him or herself; and we avoid being tied simply to our own words and ideas without them being adequately tested."
    He carries this through even in the consideration of the internet:
    "Attention should be paid to the various types of websites, applications and social networks which can help people today to find time for reflection and authentic questioning, as well as making space for silence and occasions for prayer, meditation or sharing of the word of God."
    I've been saved and struck of late by the relation of silence and listening.  Ear plugs are so very different from the small sounds of the winter woods.  The quiet rustlings of the leaves that remain point to a bigger silence always waiting to be heard".  Vincent Miller 24 January 2012.

Production: Euroclip Don Bosco

01.02.2012 Films by youth for youth
Greetings to you all,
    Yesterday the Rector Major, Fr Pascual Chávez, Don Bosco's 9th successor, gave a message to the SYM which was full of hope and trust that they can build a new society, by being strong in faith in Christ following our Founder's style.
    We are presenting a program to you in this letter of ours, one that fits fully into this energetic approach and invites young people to be active in offering positive, active messages to their peers.
The initiative in question is a European Festival of Short Clips open to young people between 14 - 24 years of age: EuroClip Don Bosco, films by youth for youth.
The project – one which has been welcomed by Project Europe - has slowly taken shape thanks to the interest shown by some European Salesian groups working in the communications field. The theme chosen by promoters is European citizenship.
    The festival will take place in two stages - national and international – and at the end there will be material available for use in schools, as part of the overall objective. It is vital that there be understanding and cooperation amongst Delegates for Youth Ministry and Communication so that no area of youth potential interested in the topic be excluded. The first stage is set in motion by this letter and asks you to foster the initiative in your provinces and countries; where there is more than one province in a country you need to
coordinate efforts to set up the national stage. The second stage will take place from 31 October to 3 November 2013 at the Salesianum in Munich and will involve the Rector Major for the award-giving.
The commission which is drawing up EuroClip Don Bosco involves Salesians and lay people from a number of European provinces and is coordinated by Fr Donato Lacedonio ( You may ask him for further clarification and indicate your province's involvement to him (or country) before 25 April 2012.
    We thank you in advance for taking on this initiative which foresees, according to Salesian Ministry criteria, the involvement of young people evangelising other young people, the educator-educand relationship, the use of languages (music, film etc) which our young people like, and team effort amongst sectors of the Salesian mission.
    May you experience the motherly protection of the Help of Christians and the intercession of our father and teacher, Don Bosco. I invite you to foster participation in this project."

Fr Filiberto Gonzalez
Councillor for Social Com.
Fr Fabio Attard
Councillor for Youth Ministry