Council Resources

CS Newsletter in 2017-11

Bulletin n.90 November 2017


Dear Confreres and Friends,

In November I stayed in the two regions of Asia: South and East Oceania.

While in India – Chennai, I participated at the meeting of the Provincial Delegates for CS in the South Asia Region. The reflection was about the "Media and Social Change". Several experiences and good resource persons have made us recognize the opportunities offered by the Media to achieve a social change. The meeting followed the line of thought initiated by the CG27 and the Rector Major’s Visit, namely: Redesign of Provinces to grow in identity and fidelity to the Charism and Salesian Mission.

Afterwards I went to see the confreres of the Cambodian Delegation in Phnom Penh and Don Bosco Kep. Here, there is a communication school for students coming from the countryside and very poor families. They are limited in many ways, but the students’ commitment and their ability to learn is greater. In this work, more Salesians and volunteers are needed to teach English, who can search for resources and who can administer such a complex work. I invite you to look for them! This work is worth achieving!

The next place was in Dalat of the Vietnam Province, where we participated at the meeting of the Provincial Delegates for SC and Youth Ministry of the East Asia-Oceania region. Every day we all shared the same place, meals and prayers. One full day and a half was also spent in reflecting on the good practices of collaboration in the Provinces and we have looked for some lines of growth for the coming years that see the co-involvement of each of the delegates for Social Communication and Youth Ministry, the Provincials and the Formation Centers. The three General Counselors were present: the Regional, SC and YM, and the Provincial of Vietnam, with Fr. Juan Pablo Abreu, a member of the SC Sector. The experience was very rich and a good future for the Salesian mission is expected.

We all visited the Postnovitiate of Dalat and we had an experience of joy and hope. The Vietnam Province, after meeting the delegates of the Departments for SC and YM, devoted two days to the formation of Salesians in Social Communication. They translated the SSCS into their own language and Fr. Juan Pablo Abreu stayed with them to explain and deepen the SSCS. This Province takes seriously the translation of the documents and of the Salesian Magisterium, and the daily ANS news as a sign of belonging and walking together with the Congregation.

In this meeting we also celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the regional news agency AustraLasia, the most active regional news agency of the Congregation. In addition to being an information agency, it is also a communication training school. Best wishes!

After that, I went to the Myanmar Vice-Province, still with the Regional Councilor, in this movement he calls tsunami of General Councilors. This Vice-Province is making a great effort of integral renewal and all the sector councilors have passed over in the past few months. With forty SDBs, I devoted two days to SC training: identity and mission of the Salesian communicator, evangelizer, educator; synergy of the sectors; knowledge and depth of SSCS; Salesians presence in social networks. I also saw the communities of the pre-novitiate and postnovitiate. I closed my visit by meeting the Provincial and the Council together with the Regional.

After these visits, I have a feeling of great hope: the Congregation has a future, renewing its charismatic identity and fidelity, taking Don Bosco as our model: evangelizer, educator and communicator. We are to be communicators like our father, not just to be producers in communication. I wish everyone the best in life and work.

Prayers and blessings,
Fr. Filiberto

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Vietnam – Encuentro de coordinadores de Comunicación Social

Klong, Vietnam - November 2017 – Taking place on 15-16 November was a meeting of 30 Social Communication coordinators of Vietnams local Salesian communities (VIE). ...

Myanmar - Animation Visit by Fr Filiberto González

Anisakan, Myanmar - November 2017 - From 15 to 20 November, the General Councilor for Social Communication, Fr Filiberto González Plascencia, visited the Vice Province of Myanmar (MYM). ...

Vietnam - Joint Regional Meeting of Youth Ministry and Social Communication Delegates

Taking place in Vietnam, KLong, two important meetings: for the Delegates of Social Communication (CS) and the Delegates for Youth Ministry (PG) of the Asia East-Oceania region. ...

Cambodia - Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, together for the salvation of young people

These are days full of important events the Salesian Family is experiencing in Cambodia: first and foremost, the animation visit of the General Councilor for Social Communication, ...

India - Meeting of South Asia Social Communications Delegates

Chennai, India - November 2017 - From November 2 to November 5, Social Communications Delegates of Asia-South Region ...

RMG – Poster of Rector Majors Strenna 2018

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RMG – AustraLasia News 20th Birthday!

The “Email news-service AustraLasia” was born exactly twenty years ago, November 7, 1997, during the Regional meeting of EAO Provincials and Soc. Com. Delegates with Fr Martinelli, General Councilor for SC and Salesian Family, and it all began AustraLasia ...