For fair distribution and regulation of funds in South Africa, Lesotho and Eswatini
Let us pray that those in charge of finance will work with governments to regulate the financial sphere and protect citizens from its dangers.
We live in a "two-speed world". We Salesians feel, on the one hand, that "wealth is produced" and, on the other, that "inequality is created". Our youth centres feel the need to extend help, but often lack the means (personnel and money) to do so. As "advocates" for young people, we must carry out our commitment to them in an even more radical and honest way, remembering that in every young person there is Christ himself waiting for us.
If we are convinced of this, we will also find ways to finance our projects. To know whether our "Salesian economy" is working as it ought to or not, we need to check whether we have been able to show others the "footprints of God" in this world, which is the most important thing!
Jean Paul Muller, SDB
Economer General
Greenhorn missionary: “We ought to be careful with money. Money is the dung of the devil!” – Veteran missionary: “That’s right. We need it to fertilize the missionary soil.”
One does not undergo any physical changes due to one’s religious profession or priestly ordination. A missionary has needs like all other human beings. The people he evangelizes have their needs, too, and often lack the wherewithal to meet even their basic necessities. Material resources are indispensable for the missionary.
There are multiple sources from which to acquire these resources.
A good missionary has diverse sources of funds from each of the above categories. He needs to be discriminating about his sources. He does not create the image of being a businessman more than a missionary, or be seen as buying or selling sacraments and prayers, or accept donations from the corrupt or from companies engaged in activities of questionable moral values.
It is of the utmost importance that we be transparent, respect the intentions of donors, and make judicious use of the money we have. If a missionary is passionate about his mission, serves the poorest, and is economical, transparent and efficient ... people recognize him, and money flows to him.
Money is a necessary means for the missionary to realize his mission. However, it always remains only a means. It never replaces the true missionary goal: to reflect God’s love for his children.
Fr George MC Menamparampil, SDB
Salesian Missionary Solidarity
Dieudonné, why do you want to go to East Asia? And how are you preparing for this mission?
It is true that I did not choose nor even dream of East Asia as my mission land. As soon as I was assigned on 6 August 2020, the day of the Lord's Transfiguration, I told myself that this is where the Lord wanted me. I prayed and entrusted my mission to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to the Salesian martyr saints Louis Versiglia and Callistus Caravario. I prepared myself spiritually and psychologically to leave my family, my country, and my continent for the Salesian mission ad gentes. As I knew so very little about East Asia, I wondered whether my integration would be an easy process. I knew that there are probably the most difficult languages to learn. Frankly, I was worried. Meanwhile, I started by practising the basics of English knowing that where I am supposed to go also English is in use.
How did your family react?
I was born to Catholic parents, both of whom are still alive. I am the fifth of six children. We are three girls and three boys and each one lives with his/her own small family. When I told them that I was going to East Asia, my parents' and siblings' first reaction was, “Why did they send you so far away?” I replied ironically, “Far away from whom?” When following Christ more closely distance does not count. I only asked them to keep me in their prayers.
You have had a lot of experience with missionary groups. What was it like?
Missionary groups consist of a few young Christians committed to actively participating in Christ's mandate to others. I participated in some missionary groups in Congo during my initial formation at Kansebula, Uvira, Goma (Shasha). All these groups helped me to be close to others, especially those who need it most. I also discovered the richness of the missionary experiences of other Salesians who left for the missions a long time ago. I think these groups can help many others to develop a missionary outlook.
Dieudonné Mulungoy, SDB
Born in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
He has known the Salesians since childhood and was once a pupil of the FMA.
At the age of 23 he made his first religious profession as an SDB in the Province of Central Africa (AFC).
He is currently doing his initial formation,
still in DR Congo. He graduated in philosophy and education sciences.
Being a member of the 151st Missionary Expedition, he was destined to go to East Asia.
9.2% of the world, or 689 million people, live in extreme poverty. 1.3 billion people in 107 developing countries are multidimensionally poor.