The Frame of Reference of Salesian Youth Ministry (FRSYM) clearly presents the proper tasks and responsibilities of the Youth Ministry Delegate. The Youth Ministry Department offers this journey towards “Handbook of Province Delegates for Youth Ministry” with the intention of clarifying and explaining these tasks, to help the Youth Ministry Delegate in his animation of the province and in order to have common criteria of working at Regional and the Congregational level, these tasks of animation.
This journey is inspired by the work presented in 2008 by Don Antonio Domenech (General Councilor for Youth Ministry (1996 - 2008). It is the fruit of work done by the Province Youth Ministry Delegates of the region of Inter-America in collaboration with CSFPA (Centro Salesiano Formación Permanente en América) in Quito, Ecuador.
The ‘Handbook of Province Delegates for Youth Ministry’ intends to guide the Delegate in the fulfilment of his mission. It also aspires to facilitate the continuity of the animation in the province irrespective of the change of the Delegate. This would be a resource for the delegate to exercise the animation. It is a working tool or instrument which aims to achieve a higher quality in the service of animation of Salesian Youth Ministry in the Province. The criteria of action that guide these indications are pointed out in the Constitutions, in the Regulations and in the Frame of Reference of Salesian Youth Ministry.
The Handbook presents a summary of the relations and the tasks that the Delegate must maintain and fulfill at the service of the Salesian Youth Ministry objectives of the Province, according to the direction given in FRSYM. It urges one to go beyond the description of the roles and functions. It is not just a job of co-ordination to describe the essential aspects of the management and administration. It is a system and perception that invite each Delegate to be a ‘person of maturity & spiritual depth’, to be a ‘consecrated religious’ journeying into a process of ongoing formation, and to be a ‘witness’ who transmits and animates the Salesians and lay people involved in the apostolic mission of the province.
Finally, the Handbook considers other levels of relations with other structures of the Congregation (Provinces, Regions, Departments) and other organizations of the Church and of the civil society.