
EAO Team Visit 2017-03-09 - theme 4: Communication

EAO TEAM VISIT 2017 - March 9,2017

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  • After looking at the reflection on the process during the past few years in the Social Communication Sector in our Region, which are the main Strengths (S), main Weaknesses (W), and main Opportunities (O) that are present in the Commission on Social Communications in your Province?


    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses 
    • Opportunities 
  • Based on the CSC report presented, what lines of action will your Council suggest that the CSC take to action for the next three years:
    • At the level of the CSC Delegate and his team for the Provincial animation?


    • At the Provincial level: regarding the formation and structure and organization of your CSC?


    • At the level of the Region: regarding the collaboration and communion with the other provinces and with the Rector Major and his Council?



Based on the previous observations, what lines of action would trace/help the Provincial and his Council for the next 3 years:

1. At the level of SocCom Delegate and his team of provincial animation?


  • Our SocCom “guru” is very qualified and is taking up doctoral studies and a resource person by the CBCP/FABC on matters of communications
  • Our SocCom delegate has a working team of Salesians and lay.
  • AB ReEd & Pastoral Communication (Formation Center) and the delegate is part of the formation community
  • FIS has a SocCom Office


  • House correspondence either submit late their articles or do not submit at all.

2. At the provincial level – regarding formation and structure & organization of the SocCom sector?


  • Guarantee of continuity of programs as reflected in the succession plan by involving younger confreres
  • Annual programs shared to the all such as the St. John Paul II Cebu Conference ongoing Formation on Communication for Educators, Youth Ministers, and Catechists (Also on Parenting and Child’s Rights)
  • SocCom has initiated in “claiming the space” of FIS Salesian presences and settings in Google site.
  • FIS SocCom has authored and produce the Guidelines on the Responsible Use of Social Media
  • In the level of the OPP, SocCom interfaces and attempts to synergize with the other commissions and provincial services.


  • FIS Website not updated


  • Weak internet signals in other provinces


  • Ongoing formation on Social Media for mid-lifers and senior Salesians.
  • The need to translate some Salesianity materials in the rural settings (Example, official novenas/prayers, DB film subtitles, booklets of the life of the Saints, etc)

3. At the EAO regional level – regarding collaboration and communion with other provinces and with the Rector major and his Council?


  • SocCom program was shared in the Team Visit 2017 as a working model.
  • EAO Region has a venue to share happenings and initiatives through BOSCO Link/ Australasia.
  • High rate of improvement among provinces learning to communicate in English in EAO meetings




  1. After looking at the reflection on the process during the past few years in the Social Communication Sector in our Region, which are the main Strengths (S), main Weaknesses (W), and main Opportunities (O) that are present in the Commission on Social Communications in your Province?


    1. Strengths
      • FIN province in multi social communication platforms: Don Bosco Press: printing press and publications, website, radio broadcast, Don Bosco short films, blogs of some confreres with educating and evangelizing themes.
      • Facility of exchange of official communications and information is in place.
    1. Weaknesses –
      • Many confreres are into social media, but there is still much to be desired about the educating and evangelizing quality of the materials they post.  Many are for mere socializing.
      • Formation modules on SC are not yet integrated by stages of formation but are given to the formands.
    1. Opportunities –
      • Smart devices open the window for wider, faster and more personal access to information and evangelization.
      • The social communication efforts of the Province are being recognized by the local Church, private institutions and lay experts in the field (Catholic Mass Media awards, membership in the Episcopal Commission on Social Communications).
      • Tapping of lay experts to contribute in this field.
    1. Threats –
      • The internet platforms may also be used as means of abuses: cyber bullying; negative propaganda, etc. 
  1. Based on the CSC report presented, what lines of action will your Council suggest that the CSC take to action for the next three years:
    1. At the level of the CSC Delegate and his team for the Provincial animation?
      • The SC team identifies the niche of the FIN province in social media.    
    1. At the Provincial level: regarding the formation and structure and organization of your CSC?
      • The Social Communication, Youth Ministry and Formation commissions collaborate on an integrated formation both for initial and on-going stages of formation.
    1. At the level of the Region: regarding the collaboration and communion with the other provinces and with the Rector Major and his Council?
      • We continue to contribute to the Australasia news.
      • We continue to offer Fr. Drans as the regional coordinator. 

03 MYM on Social Communication

  • After looking at the reflection……
    • Strengths
      • Means of communication are available at the personal level
      • Strong Interest in the Information Technology among the confreres
      • Most of the young confreres are strong in digital literacy
    • Weaknesses
      • Lack of provincial delegate for Social Communication
      • Lack of proper understanding of the nature and purpose of Social Communication among the confreres
      • Little knowledge about how to use the media gadgets
    • Opportunities
      • Recently the country enjoys freedom of expression by means of media
      • We have access to experts on Social Communication at the Congregational and regional level. 
  • Action for the next three years:
    • At the level of the SC Delegate and his team for the Provincial animation;
        • Monthly digital news letter within the vice-province
        • Formation of team of translators for the Salesian Literature
        • Publication of tri-monthly youth magazine, “companion of youth”
        • Awareness courses at the different stages of formation to be organized
    • At the Provincial level: regarding the formation and structure and organization of your CSC:
        • The delegate and the team are to assist the study of document in each community 
    • At the level of the Region: regarding the collaboration and communion with the other provinces and with the Rector Major and his Council:
        • News to be sent to AustralAsia and ANS monthly and occasionally
        • To keep oneself updated with
        • To keep lively


  • Level of SOCCOM Delegate and team
  • Strengths
  • Delegate is very active in disseminating news (local, national and international) and giving formation in social communication.
  • Weaknesses
  • Newsletter at Delegation level was discontinued.
  • Most of the news emanate from the center at Port Moresby.
  • Opportunities
  • Possibility of starting the Salesian Bulletin
  • Delegate has many local and international contacts.
  • Threats
  • Delegate has responsibilities also with the Bishops’ Conference
  • Provincial level – formation, structure and organization of SOCCOM
  • Strengths
  • Initial group of lay people have been formed to assist in giving SC formation in different schools.
  • Weaknesses
  • The Provincial Team for Social Communication is not clearly known.
  • Most of the Salesians are not aware of the SSSC.
  • Focus more on activities rather than on formation and Salesian identity
  • Some SC initiatives are not well coordinated under the Delegate.
  • Opportunities
  • Greater networking with different agencies and institutions.
  • Threats
  • EAO Regional level
  • Strengths
  • Strong link with Australasia.




  • After looking at the reflection on the process during the past few years in the Social Communication Sector in our Region, which are the main Strengths (S), main Weaknesses (W), and main Opportunities (O) that are present in the Commission on Social Communications in your Province?


    • Strengths
        • We have a good delegate with crew
        • We have an Office for Social Communication with sufficient and qualified staff, and active LMPs
        • We have a website, a bulletin and a printing press
    • Weaknesses
        • Non expert in the field among the SDB
        • Translations
        • Weak formation of Social Communication (weak apprehension of the legacy of SC)  
    • Opportunities
        • the young people and LMP
        • Our message is always new and attractive: Jesus and Don Bosco
        • 2019 the Rector Major is coming to the province
        • ICT (Information and Communication Technology)  
  • Based on the CSC report presented, what lines of action will your Council suggest that the CSC take to action for the next three years:
    • At the level of the CSC Delegate and his team for the Provincial animation?


        • Animate and involve the young/LMP in the Social Communication
        • Create a stronger synergy between SYM and Social Communication
    • At the Provincial level: regarding the formation and structure and organization of your CSC?


        • Include Social Communication into the initial formation (in theory it is there, but practically not yet)
        • Foster the enculturation of the Salesian charisma
    • At the level of the Region: regarding the collaboration and communion with the other provinces and with the Rector Major and his Council?


        • Some formation course for LMP   



From DB200 celebration, this section developed and advanced very much.
EAO regional meeting held in Tokyo in 2015 made a very positive reaction for SC of our province.
Young lay mission partners entered into the provincial SC team.
Provincial web site, FB, Twitter, and bulletin become activated by collaboration of young lay mission partners. This is important role that connect Salesian Family members.
Monthly video message of provincial (also yesterday made with Rector Major)

Lack of translation team.
Many confreres don’t understand importance of this section. (tendency to think about only risk of using internet…)
Need of formation of confrere and mission partners especially in publishing area.

Much more needs for immigrants (other languages like English, Portuguese, Spanish)
Evangelization through internet.
Contribution to Catholic Church of Japan (magazine “Catholic Life ”, holy goods and books for education)

Future problem of our publish office (reconstruction and location)
Challenge in a publishing territory
Economy problem (everything high cost…)

2) next 3 years
1. delegate and his team level : to make it practice the plan already made in the team
2. province level : to add more young collaborators in the team, to share information of each community, and to enrich translation team.
3. EAO level : active participation to EAO meeting, offering information to Bosco link, and possibility to offer comics and poster design. 


  • After looking at the reflection on the process during the past few years in the Social Communication Sector in our Region, which are the main Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities that are present in the Commission on Social Communications in your Province?
  • Main Strengths:

a.1) we have financial resources, equipment & machineries (printing press)
a.2) we have human resources (SDBs & LMPs); we have an efficient translator and writers
a.3) we have website: for pastoral purposes i.e. Sunday reflections
a.4) we have produced books in the fields of pastoral and Salesianity
b.)  Main Weaknesses
b.1) all our resource persons in social communication have been working efficiently, but independently (at their own initiative)
b.2) no full-time delegate in Social Communication

c.)  Main Opportunities
c.1) tap lay experts to work in social communication
c.2) work with members of the Salesian Family in social communication

  • Based on the CSC report presented, what lines of action will your council suggest that the CSC take to action for the next three years:
  • At the level of Social Communication Delegate and his team in provincial animation?

a.1) The Social Communication Delegate assists the other delegates (Youth Ministry, Mission, Vocation & Formation, Salesian Family) in maximizing the use of social communication in their field of animation.
a.2) Form a Social Communication Team with lay experts to animate the province

  • At the Provincial level: regarding formation and structure & organization of the social communication sector?

b.1) Revised curriculum in Social Communication for aspirants and candidates in the initial formation
b.2) The Provincial will give the guidelines to the Lay Social Communication Team

  • At the EAO regional level: regarding collaboration and communion with other provinces and with the Rector Major and his Council?

c.1) Share news regularly to the region and congregation levels
c.2) Translate documents and books of the congregation  



  • After looking at the reflection on the process during the past few years in the Social Communication Sector in our Region, which are the main Strengths (S), main Weaknesses (W), and main Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) that are present in the Commission on Social Communications in your Province?


    • Strengths
  • Salesian Bulletin
  • Various Province Web-pages
  • Commenced translating some videos into Samoan
  • Weekly Television news in Vietnamese
  • Vietnamese magazine published monthly
  • Have people with good skills
    • Weaknesses
  • Ineffective Social Communications Commission
  • Little communication of Social Communication Commission with other groups/commissions
  • Social communication is a low priority with Provincial Council  
    • Opportunities
  • Interest in Salesian Social Communication by some of our SYM people
  • Many young people
    • Threats
  • Criteria for content control
  • Legal requirements – eg copyright 
  • Based on the CSC report presented, what lines of action will your Council suggest that the CSC take to action for the next three years:
    • At the level of the CSC Delegate and his team for the Provincial animation?


  • Needs more collaboration between the Social Communication Commission and other Province sectors
  • Greater focus on Evangelisation, mission and education of the young
    • At the Provincial level: regarding the formation and structure and organization of your CSC?


  • Establish a strategic direction for the Social Communications Commission
  • Re-invigorate the Social Communication Commission
  • Commence formation of the Commission members about social communication 
    • At the level of the Region: regarding the collaboration and communion with the other provinces and with the Rector Major and his Council?


  • Seek opportunities to share best practice
  • Greater openness to sharing and dissemination of news, resources etc.
  • Seek collaboration with another EAO province which is a leader in SC to assist us with best practice, on-going formation and support 



  • After looking at the reflection on the process during the past few years in the Social Communication Sector in our Region, which are the main Strengths (S), main Weaknesses (W), and main Opportunities (O) that are present in the Commission on Social Communications in your Province? 


    • Strengths

Formation, Information and Production:
Regular publication of Salesian Bulletin;
            Website: www.donboscotimorleste
Delegate of Soscom

Production: through the Salesian Media Centre we are able to disseminate the information about DB and the Word of God

Formation: there are formation on Soscom to those in initial formation done occasionally

    • Weaknesses

Some publications still done in Indonesia
Salesian Bulletin still “one man job” only (no solid team yet)
In regard to the formation: No proper plan yet to our candidates and those in initial formation how to use properly the social media;
No proper office for Soscom;
There are scarcity of facilities;

    • Opportunities

Lack of effort in cyber-evangelization

  • Based on the CSC report presented, what lines of action will your Council suggest that the CSC take to action for the next three years: 
    • At the level of the CSC Delegate and his team for the Provincial animation?

Let the Delegate of SC strengthen the work of SC by way of setting up: proper plan, office and team member 

    • At the Provincial level: regarding the formation and structure and organization of your CSC?

Let the delegate and his team draw up a provincial formation plan in SC for different stages of formation; 

    • At the level of the Region: regarding the collaboration and communion with the other provinces and with the Rector Major and his Council?

Let SC team continues to update information regarding events within the province to the regional level and with the RM and his council;

Let the delegate of SC update the Province with the important information regarding news and events that are happening within the congregation in the regional and world level;


  • Answers
    • Strengths
      • Formation to the SC, such as giving of guidelines of using SNS through seminars is growing in quality
      • Salesian information at provincial level have quality platforms, such as provincial website,
      • Korea is a hi-tech country, especially in the network of the SC.
    • Weaknesses
      • Weak quality and quantity of communication products in the field of YM-MA
      • Language barrier
      • Passive participation and reaction of SDBs in using Salesian communication products
    • Opportunities
      • Formation of young SDB for SC in systematic way started
      • Need to explore some attractive Salesian figures well known, such as Fr. John Lee movie for stimulating vocation promotion and mission animation
    • Threats
      • Misuse of social media and other means of SC at risk by the confreres without temperance
      • Financially Heavy load on taking care of SC matters
  • Lines of Action
    • At the level of the SC Delegate and his team: Publication of Translation of a book of the biograph of Fr. John Lee which is one of the best sellers in Korea
    • At the Provincial level:
      • Reshaping of SC of our Province efficiently, because we have the new Provincial Delegate for the SC after so many years
      • Giving formation of a young confrere for the SC 
    • At the level of the Region: Our Province has been contributing to our Region which is needed still updating.



Questions 1:

    • Strengths:

- Structures/teams/offices have been set up and working
-  More and more SDB’s and lay people’s involvement and
-  Official Link with national agency of SC [diocese] and internation ones [LDC]          
- More support from the leaders 

    • Weaknesses:

Lack of Personnel
Some SDB ‘s awareness of SC is still weak; Less interest in Salesian SCS
For many SDB , SC is work to be done and not mission!
Formation is still weak
Less interaction between the Province and the Delegation
Language  barrier for international link for most of SDB’s [in spite of fast work of daily translation!] 

    • Opportunities:

- More lay and team collaborators;
- Channels of communication is becoming easier [Most of SDB’s have emails].


Q.2. Based on the CSC report presented, what lines of action will your Council suggest that the CSC take to action for the next three years:

  • At the level of the CSC Delegate and his team for the Provincial animation?


- Improving the efficiency of network through seminars/communication;
- workshops on SC skills
- Regular communication between the delegate/team and the networks; 

    • At the Provincial level: regarding the formation and structure and organization of your CSC?


        • To work with Formation Commission to make sure that Social Communication becomes a dimension in initial formation and on-going ; [curriculum / syllabus / practicum];

- To hold workshops on SC skills for SDB and lay collaborators
- To make communication between the delegate/team and the networks to be regular;


    • At the level of the Region: regarding the collaboration and communion with the other provinces and with the Rector Major and his Council?


        • To make stronger contact with international publishers [Asia, LDC; Spain];
        • Translating and sending news to non-Vietnamese [regional/congregational Salesian Websites] with more translators and collaborators;
        • Better communication with Rome.