...It is to this God, the merciful Father that Don Bosco addressed his heartfelt prayer: "Da mihi animas, cetera tolle". To all his disciples, men and women, Don Bosco repeats: "The most divine of all divine things is to cooperate with God in the salvation of souls, and it is a sure path to the highest holiness". (Art. 23)
The spirituality inherited from Don Bosco is eminently ecclesial: it expresses and nourishes the communion of the Church, building up within Christian communities a network of fraternal relationships and of active collaboration; it is an educational spirituality that sets out to help young people and the poor to feel at ease in the Church, and to be builders of the Church and to be participators in her mission; it is a spirituality which enriches the whole Church with the gift of the holiness of so many of his sons and daughters. (Art. 26)
(All citations from the Charter of the Charismatic Identity of the Salesian Family of Don Bosco).