Salesian Holiness

Stephen Sándor



Decree of Martyrdom: 27-03-2013
Beatified: 19-10-2013
Liturgical celebration: 8 June

Prayer for the glorification of the Servant of God Stephen Sándor, Salesian Brother and martyr (26 October 1914 – 8 June1953) Almighty God, You called your servant Stephen Sándor to be part of Don Bosco's great Salesian Family. You guided him, through Mary Help of Christians, in his difficult mission for the salvation of souls and in sacrificing his life for Hungarian youth. He gave witness to You. At a time of persecution of the Church, he promoted Catholic press, service of the altar education of the young. By his faithful and loyal spirit he pointed out to us to the way what is good and just. We ask You to glorify him with the crown of martyrdom. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

With ecclesiastical approval

Beginning of the Process: 24/05/2006
Closing Diocesan Enquiry: 12/08/2007
Decree of Martyrdom: 27/03/2013
Beatification: 19/10/2013

In this article:
Admired by his friends 

Stephen Sandor was born in Szolnok, in Hungary, on 26 November 1914 son of Stephen and Maria Fekete, first of three brothers. His father worked with the State Railways, and the mother at home. Both gave their children a deep religious spirit. Stephen studied in the city gaining a diploma in metallurgy. As a youngster he was admired by his friends, and was happy, serious and gentle. He liked hanging around with his friends, and was a  leader amongst them, like John Bosco was for the young people of Chieri. He helped his younger brothers to study and pray, giving them his own example. He was fervent at the time of his Confirmation and promised to imitate St Peter, whose name he took for Confirmation.

Came to know about Don Bosco through the Salesian Bulletin

Each day he served Mass at the Franciscans and received Communion. Reading the Salesian Bulletin he came to know about Don Bosco. He immediately felt attracted by the Salesian charism. He spoke to his spiritual director, expressing a desire to enter the Salesian Congregation. He spoke to his parents about it. They did not give permission and sought to dissuade him. But Stephen ended up convincing them, and in 1936 he was accepted at the Clarisseum, where he made an aspirantate of two years. He completed a course in how to be a printer at the “Don Bosco” Printery. He began his novitiate but it was interrupted by military service.

Model teacher

In 1939 he began to complete his novitiate and made his first vows on 8 September 1940. Asked to go to the Clarisseum, he immediately began to teach technical courses. He was also assistant at the Oratory, something he did competnetly and enthusiastically. He fostered the Young Catholic Workers. His group was recognised as the best in the Movement. Following Don Bosco's example, he became a model teacher. In 1942 he was called back to the Front, and earned a silver medal of military valour. He made a festive oratory out of the trenches encouraging his young friends in a Salesian style.

Master printer and a Salesian Brother

At the end of the Second World War he involved himself in rebuilding society morally and materially, especially in the case of poor young people whom he gathered around him in order to teach them a trade. On 24 July 1946 he made his perpetual profession as a Salesian Brother. In 1948 he gained the title of Master Printer. Stephen's students, when they compelted their studies, were employed by the best printeries in the State and in the city. 

Cause of martyrdom

A period of persecution of Catholic schools began, and they had to close. Stephen was working in the printery, but he had to escape and hide in Salesian Houses, working under a false name in public printeries.

In July 1952 he was arrested while working, and his confreres never saw him again. His Cause of martyrdom was opened  at Budapest on 24 May 2006.

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Stephen Sándor as a teenager
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Stephen Sándor as young Salesian Brother
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Stephen Sándor's family
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Stephen Sándor in military service
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At Clarisseum with altar servers
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Group of Hungarian Brothers 10.09.1949 (Sándor first on left, top)
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Liturgy   Eucharist Scaricare il file zip
Prayer   Prayer for his beatification Scaricare il file zip
Documents   For the 60th anniversary of the martyrdom of our confrere, Salesian Brother Stephen Sándor Scaricare il file zip
  Profile (5 KB) (it) Scaricare il file zip
  Biography (120 KB) Scaricare il file zip
Photos   Young soldier (177 KB) Scaricare il file zip
  Family, when he was a young Brother (2190 KB) Scaricare il file zip
Poster   Poster (8 MB) Scaricare il file pdf       Scaricare il file zip
PPT   Presentazione ppt (10 MB) Scaricare il file zip       Scaricare il file zip