Salesian Holiness

Antonino Baglieri

Baglieri Antonino, Layman, Servant of God

Opening of Diocesan Inquiry: 03-03-2014

Nino Baglieri was born in Modica on 1 May 1951. After attending primary school he became an apprentice bricklayer at 17 years of age, and on 6 May 1968, he fell from a 17 metre high scaffolding. Admitted to the emergency ward, Nino was bitterly disappointed to understand that he was completely paralysed. Faced with a very dramatic situation his mother Giuseppina confiding in God, bravely made herself available to personally care for him for the rest of her life. thus began Nino's journey of suffering as he went from one hospital to another, but without improvement. Back in his home village in 1970, after the early days of visits from friends, ten long years of obscurity began for Nino, without leaving home, lonely, suffering and almost despairing.

On 24 March 1978, Good Friday, at four in the afternoon, a group of people who were part of Renewal in the Spirit prayed for him; Nino felt himself transformed. From that moment he accepted his Cross and said his 'yes' to the Lord. He began to read the Gospels and the Bible: He discovered the wonders of faith. Helping some children who were near by to do their homework, he learnt to write with his mouth. And thus he began to write his memoirs, letters to all kinds of people around the world, writing personal holy pictures for people who visited him. He began to write down telephone numbers and got into direct contact with sick people and his calm and convincing word calmed them down.

Thus began a constant flow of relationships that not only brought him out of his isolation, but led him to trestify to the Gospel of joy and hope. From 6 May 1982 onwards, Nino celebrated the anniversary of his Cross, He became a member of the Salesian Family as a Salesian Cooperator. On 31 August 2004 he made his perpetual profession with the Volunteers With Don Bosco (CDB). On 2 March 2007, at 8 a.m., Nino Baglieri, afer a lengthy time of suffering and trial, gave up his soul to God. After his death he was dressed in his running clothes, so that, as he said "on my last journey to God I can run to meet him."

Prayer for the beatification of Nino Baglieri,

“Volunteer With Don Bosco”

We adore you in your mystery as the God of love
guide our souls, Shepherd and Father
safeguard our life, Son and Redeemer,
Holy Spirit, burning bush,
inflame our hearts.

We praise you for the epiphnay of your love
in your beloved disciple Nino Baglieri,
who following Don Bosco's example
took your Cross upon himself
loved Jesus in the Eucharist, Mary Help of Christians and the Church
and made himself a victim like yourself.

We bless you for your way of love
that urged Nino Baglieri to make such a gift
consecrated in the world, in the Salesian family,
ahe testified to the joy of Christ to all,
to the young and to those who were suffering,
so that our life might be more human.

We thank you for the fruitfulness of your love
in the great works of charity
that you accomplished in Nino Baglieri
to the glory of your name and on our behalf,
so that today we may be true Christians
and we ask you in all humility:
that this exemplary witness to holiness
may be recognised by your Church

Grant through his intercession,
the grace that we now ask …,
especially our conversion
that we may adhere with faith to your truth
and do not eveyr allow us to tire
of always doing your will.

For information and indications of graces received

Write to the Postulation
Via Marsala 42


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Life of Antonino Baglieri
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Photo of Antonino Baglieri
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