Salesian Holiness

Rosetta Marchese



Servant of God Sr Rosetta Marchese (1922-1984),

Supplex Libellus: 01-07-2019
Nulla Osta: 16-12-2020

In her life as an educator, teacher, assistant, formator, Councilor and Mother General, Mother Rosetta followed a path of conformation to Jesus even to offering her life for the sanctity of the Institute, for priests, for the salvation of youth. Moreover, like Mary, she knew how to make her life a gift of love and spiritual motherhood.

She was born in Aosta on 20 October 1922 in a family with a fervent Christian faith. Even as a young girl she learned about and attended the FMA, and next to them she matured her ideal of consecration to God. After the first religious profession (1941), she received a degree in Literature from the Catholic University "Sacred Heart". From 1947 to 1958 she was a teacher and vicar in the missionary home "Madre Mazzarello" of Turin, where she followed in particular the young sisters who were preparing to leave for the missions. From 1958 to 1974 she carried out tasks of animation and government in Sicily, in Rome, in Lombardy. Everywhere she proved to be attentive to the needs of the local Church and to the signs of the times.

The XVI General Chapter of 1975 elected her Visiting Councilor. The XVII General Chapter, on the first ballot of October 24th 1981, elected her as Superior General. Only eight months after her election, came the first signs of leukemia that will soon reveal its inexorability. In the circular of October 24, 1982, the first anniversary of the election, Mother Rosetta concluded her teaching, wishing all her daughters to let themselves be infected by Don Bosco "of acute nostalgia for the 'beautiful Paradise'." "The destination is one: to arrive in Heaven with all the young people for whom we have given and consumed existence."

On March 8, 1984, in Rome, Mother Rosetta completed her earthly journey.

For information and thank you

Address to the Postulation
Via Marsala 42


Sr Rosetta Marchese - Novena and Prayer for beatification
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Sr Rosetta Marchese Novena
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Sr Rosetta Marchese, Memoirs
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Sr Rosetta Marchese, life
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Photo of Sr Rosetta Marchese
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