Who are we?

Marian Spirituality

Mary is present among us









Through the motherly intervention of Mary, the Holy Spirit raised up St John Bosco to contribute to the salvation of youth. (C.. 1)

The Virgin Mary showed Don Bosco his field of labour among the young and was the constant guide and support of his work, especially in the foundation of our Society. We believe that Mary is present among us and continues her mission as Mother of the Church and Help of Christians. We entrust ourselves to her, the humble servant in whom the Lord has done great things, that we may become witnesses to the young of her Son's boundless love. (C.. 8)

Don Bosco entrusted our Society in a special way to Mary, whom he made its principal patroness. (C. 9)

Under the guidance of Mary his teacher, Don Bosco lived with the boys of the first Oratory a spiritual and educational experience which he called the 'Preventive System'. (C. 20)

We walk side by side with the young so as to lead them to the risen Lord, and so discover in him and in his Gospel the deepest meaning of their own existence. The Virgin Mary is present in this process as a mother. We make her know and loved as the one who believed, who helps and who infuses hope. (C. 34)

Our chastity is not a conquest made once for all time. It has its moments of peace and moments of trial. It is a gift which because of human weakness demands a daily pledge of fidelity. For this reason the salesian, faithful to the Constitutions, lives a life of work and temperance, practises mortification and the custody of the senses.implores God's help and lives in his presence.turns with filial trust to Mary, the Immaculate Help of Christians, who helps him to love as Don Bosco did. (C. 84)

With the Sacred Scriptures daily in hand, we welcome the Word as Mary did and ponder it in our heart, so that it will bear fruit and we may proclaim it with zeal. (C. 87)

Mary, Mother of God, holds a unique place in the history of salvation. She is a model of prayer and pastoral love, the teacher of wisdom and guide of our Family. We contemplate and imitate her faith, her concern for the needy, her fidelity at the hour of the cross, and her joy at the wonders wrought by the Father. Mary Immaculate, Help of Christians, leads us to the fullness of our offering to the Lord and gives us courage for the service of our brethren. We develop a strong filial devotion to her. We recite the rosary each day and celebrate her feasts to encourage a more convinced and personal imitation. (C. 92)

Enlightened by the person of Christ and by his Gospel, lived according to Don Bosco's spirit, the Salesian commits himself to a formation process which will last all his life and will keep pace with his maturing in other ways With the help of Mary, his Mother and Teacher, he gradually becomes a pastor and community educator of the young in the lay or priestly state which he has embraced. (C. 98)


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Title and Contents
Spiritualità Salesiana
Data | 15-05-2015