The 2020s have just begun, and several things are coming to an end this year, this decade. The influence of the Americans is coming to an end, the influence of China and Russia is changing our continents, the fossil age is beginning to come to an end, and Green is seen as salvation. We are ready to become more aware of the lessons we can draw from the impact of the Pandemic. Health has become even more precious for each of us. The influence of social media seems out of control – what is fake news and what is real news? What decisions is human culture now heading towards? At the end of the pandemic, what will be the positive and negative consequences? How can faith and the Salesian charism save us from world crises? How is the relationship between city and rural life being reorganised as a result of the crisis? Where are the Salesians needed now? What are the challenges for the sustainability of Salesian works in the future? These are the questions we will seek to answer during the SDB Change Congress and throughout this year when, through the right channels, we will begin to create a network of information and updates on these issues.
The "SDB Change Congress" takes place during a tremendous turbulence that has gripped all our life systems. But this turbulence also has a positive side: crises dissolve locked-in patterns of thinking and destroy what no longer fits and has become superfluous. They force innovations that had previously remained dormant.
We have included several topics on the Congress agenda that we will describe later,but the most important and decisive part will be the participants (Provincial economers, those in charge of PDOs, mission office and fund-raising directors, and so on).through their experiences and challenges the focus will be on future prospects, learning to take account of our traditions to create new things, to continue to transmit Don Bosco's ideas to young people.
The congress has already begun. Everyone can take part, discuss or put questions through our social media. Its purpose is what its title says: Change and Opportunity.
As Congress organisers we would like all those who are active in the Salesian world to begin today to shape tomorrow! To be advocates and defenders of the young as "Future People" in this world, so as to help them shape their future and pass on as many Christian values as possible so that this planet can achieve a substantial correction of its faults.
Jean Paul Muller, Economer General of the Salesian Congregation