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Salesian Newslink ZMB St Mary’s Parish - Kabwe 2014 - 02

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Year 8 | Issue No. 29 Dec - Jan - Feb 2014
Witnesses of Radicality of the Gospel
Archdiocesan WYD Celebrations
Youth Volunteer for Christ
Pope Francis’ Lenten Message
GC 27: :: Salesian Newslink ::
ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 8/Nº29 Dec - Jan - Feb 2014
Director & Editor: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis Higgins, Walter Thyrniang
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Photos: Br. Walter Thyrniang, Fr. Javier Barrientos,
Joackim Mzanywa, John Musonda, Faith
Contribution from: Fr. George Chalissery, Dn. Jerome Bwalya, Br. Walter
Thyrniang, Fr. Jorge Ormeño, Fr. Michael
Mbandama, Cl. Faith Musabila. Br. Robert Malusa,
Sr Chanda Nsofwa & Sr Caroline Chitenta FMA.
Printed: Printing Press - ZMB Provincial House
Editorial: Mandela’s Legacy 3
Holiness for All - Pascual Chavez RM 4
Message for Lent 2014- Pope Francis 6
Words of the Provincial of ZMB 7
Salesian World: Local News 8
Youth Volunteer for Christ 11
Educators with the heart of God 12
2013 Christmas Play 13
Zimbabwe’s Crisis in Education 14
Salesian World: ANS 15
Thinking Point: ZMB Youth Ministry 16
Rectors and Local Superiors’ Meeting 17
Symposium on the Preventive System - Chingola 18
Catholic Bookshop 19
The Power of Forgiveness 20
A good deed is never lost 20
Parish Under Siege - Nkhotakota 21
Alina Trevor - Painter 23
Mary our Model of Communication - Part II 25
Youth Commission and Youth Delegates 26
Archdiocesan World Youth Day 27
ZMB Photo 28
In this Issue:
2 Salesian Newslink ZMB
St Mary’s Parish - Kabwe
Stella girls preparing a traditional dance,
Oratory children, parishioners after Sunday mass
and stellas with their matron Mrs Chilekwa.I
3 Salesian Newslink ZMB
have preference for their children not for every child of the
world; a tribe or racial group do the same, and human
t is now few months after the institution is exempt. It is difficult to establish a pattern for this
death of Nelson Mandela [or kind of behaviour, for the particular way in which we make a
Madiba as he is known South choice. However, the fact is we behave like this because we
Africa]. His memories are still fresh; have learnt it that way.
memories of the man who stood so
firm in the face of trouble and difficulty. President Looking at the socio-political context of South Africa in which
Obama in his speech at Mandela's funeral said, Mandela lived; we can conclude that despite the facts that
“Madiba had a stubborn sense of fairness”. And would have made him react always violently, he simply
we all know that his stubborn sense of fairness is showed an extraordinary sense of fairness. As all know, his
what made him great. Without Mandela's sense sense of fairness did not always take him to use the right
of fairness, South Africa would have plunged itself means. He learned to master his anger in order to bring
in an endless civil war, not until one side would about reconciliation. African nations and the world at large
have gained power to control and oppress the need leaders of the stature of Nelson Mandela.
other. Mandela's sense of fairness is necessarily to be found in the
wisdom and culture of his native birthplace. In childhood
At the end of his trial, the judge who could have society gives us the basic knowledge of life and a concrete
sentenced Mandela and his companions to the worldview that is crucial for our behaviour and for the ways
death row for treason, argued that Madiba and his we think and judge. Love, respect, sense of purpose and
companions would serve life in prison because order, etc, all these are values we learn at home. When we
although found guilty of high treason and grow up we only perfect them in a way that is required by our
conspiracy, nevertheless they had high moral age; and in some cases it also grows to a heroic degree, like
claims: “they were fighting to establish an equal Mandela, and many other outstanding figures known and
and just society for all. For which they were ready also unknown to the world.
to lay down their lives.” Assuming that Mandela got his sense of fairness from this
tribal background, would it be justifiable that when that good
Fairness is a wonderful word that embodies the upbringing is lacking the end product is a person without
quality of making judgements that are free from morals and values? Life puts on our way people who are far
discrimination. Our human experience, needless from being like Mandela. Are their families to blame for the
to say, always and naturally discrimi type of people they have become? Is society to blame? Well,
nates. Children are to be loved it is quite complicated to get a straight answer, but what is
and protected, h o w real is to witness the thousands of people who gathered at
e v e r , p a r Mandela's funeral, world Presidents who were present that
ents day, messages from prominent world figures that were read
at the funeral: all these because Mandela was a man of a
“stubborn sense of fairness”. After conquering his anger, he
was able to judge without discrimination and he taught
South Africans to relent from anger and seek peace, unity
and reconciliation. This does not mean, 'let's forget our past
and move on' but rather 'let us heal our past and move on'
because we are all members of the human race.
My take of Mandela's legacy is his fairness; which is so
needed in our society at all levels, from the family experience
to the nation's governance; from the church to the
parliament, from the school to the factory, from employers to
employees, from me to you.
Fr. Javier Antonio Barrientos
Editorial4 Salesian Newslink ZMB
Fr Pascual Chavez SDB
A necessary foreword
My experience with the Lord
Among the many things I have written, you will search in vain
for my spiritual diary, a description of my intimate journey, or
an autobiography in which people might see my spirituality. It
was not my style.
Maybe because of that natural reserve which is typical of
country people, or more likely because of the formation I
received, I never felt like opening up. I preferred to keep in my
heart the memory of so many experiences, struggles and
apostolic achievements, rather than express them in public.
For this reason, you will not find in my books and in my
conversations or confidences any evidence of my personal
relationship with God and his mystery.
I was not born a saint. I tell you that directly and in all simplicity.
I struggled a lot to be faithful to the Lord, and to live up to my
Christian commitments. I can assure you, it was not always
easy. Saints have to become saints, little by little. Nobody
has yet invented an instrument that measures holiness.
Everything is grace, the collaboration of the creature with the
Creator. And grace is beyond human control, because it is a gift
from God.
I've always been an optimist by nature and out of personal
conviction. I was never careless, much less naive. For me, life
has always been, and continues to be, a wise and demanding
teacher. I knew that it entails challenges and is never without
difficulty or trial.
So that you can understand the ideal I had in my heart, I am
going to write down now some reflections I had when I was
about to enter the seminary in Chieri. I was 20 years old at the
time! I was no longer a kid or a naive teenager dreamer ...
"My life as it had been up to then, needed to be radically
reformed. I had not been bad up to that, but I was dissipated,
boastful, busy in games and sport, jumping, amusements and
other similar things that made me happy at the time, but did not
satisfy my heart." For her part, my mother - despite the intense
emotion she felt when she saw me dressed in a cassock – said
to me very clearly: "You have the garment of a priest.
Remember that it is not the dress that honours your state. It is
the practice of virtue. I would rather have a poor farmer for a
son than a priest who neglects his duties."
In all humility and sincerity, I have always tried to serve God and
work for his glory. Believe me, this is not a cliché. In my time
that was a real life programme. It was the secret of my
Don Bosco’s Life and Mission
are described by Fr Ceria
as “Union with God”
for AllAt that time I felt I was already in heaven. I knew that
here on the earth people were talking about an issue
that, in my opinion, never existed! Given the immense
amount of work and worries that beset me, some
people were convinced that I did not have the time to
pray. They began to ask, "When does Don Bosco pray?"
The question could not be evaded. Indeed it merited a
response. They discovered then a secret that I always
thought did not need to be shouted to the four winds:
the whole of my life was a prayer, because I prayed life!
I taught this programme to my Salesians and I
relationship with God, summed up in a phrase that also
recommended it to young people as well. Spending
explained my service to young people. I really believed in
hours in the confessional was prayer. So was writing
it, you know. I was convinced, and experience confirmed
dozens of letters late at night in the flickering light of a
it for me day after day, that the young people I met in the
candle, going up and down the endless marble steps of
bars and on the streets of Turin, in the prisons, or
the many houses I visited, having a friendly chat with
employed by inhuman masters, really needed a helping
the boys in the yard,
hand, someone to take care of them, look after them, and
celebrating Mass, gazing into the face of Mary Help of
lead them away from their bad habits to a better way of
Christians… all this was prayer! Prayer was living in
life. The dream I had at Becchi when I was nine or ten
God's presence, as I had learned as a boy from my good
years old continued to pound my mind and my heart. I
Mother. For me, prayer was abandoning myself in total
became convinced that only a holy priest totally
confidence to God's Providence. But teaching young
committed to God would be able to offer them security
people a trade, finding a job for many young men so
and confidence, a full sense of life, joy in their hearts and,
that they could always be "good Christians and honest
above all, hope. That's the conclusion I reached - holiness
citizens" – this was also prayer. I prayed when I gave
would be the best gift I could give them.
the farewell kiss to the first missionaries departing for
Argentina, when I visited the Pope, when I welcomed
bishops who had been driven from their diocese, when
I wrote one of the many books of the Catholic
Obviously, I did not meet him in person - I was born 250
Readings, when I multiplied the loaves in the basket or
years after him! There was one of his books in circulation
the hosts at the time of communion, when I was
in Piedmont at the time. I read it and found there a
travelling from Turin to Barcelona or Paris to find the
sentence that struck me and became the programme of
money needed to build the Basilica of the Sacred Heart
my priestly life. I remember reading, "It is a mistake, or
in Rome, or the money that was needed to spread the
rather a heresy, to try to banish the devout life from the
Gospel in the Argentine pampas. I was always going full
military, from the mechanic's workshop, the court of
swing, but my heart was always in intimacy with the
princes or the home of married people ... Wherever we
are we can and must aspire to a perfect life." That
became my goal! I tried to live it and offer it to my boys. It
demanded courage! Speaking of holiness (yes, I did use
that word!) to those boys seemed to most people an
I have said it many times: I was called for young people,
impossible task, but I believed in it. And I can say with
especially those who were most in need of love and
conviction that to be holy is a wonderful ideal, and it's not
hope. They have always been the reason for my being
difficult! Our friendship and fidelity to the Lord will one
and my actions. But I did not want them for myself. A
day be rewarded. I presented holiness as a vocation,
priest, a very dear friend of mine, once said: "As a
something beautiful and attractive, but I also explained
mother nourishes herself in order to nourish her child,
that it was demanding. It required sacrifice and
Don Bosco nourished himself with God, to be able to
renunciation. Practical holiness means fulfilling your daily
nourish the rest of us.” With all humility, I assure you
duties well and living in friendship with the good God
that I see myself in these simple but true words. I
who made ? ? us all friends. This was a way of holiness
wanted the young people to be my friends because I
that made young people apostles of their companions
passionately wanted them to become friends of God.
with friendliness and simplicity. I called it “the holiness of
When one is a friend of God, one is on the way of
everyday life”. Then I added a feature that I have always
considered fundamental: it had to be a joyful holiness,
which attracts us to what is good, that fascinates us and
makes us "saviours of other young people".
Almost blocked in the Vatican…
When I met St Francis de Sales
A Young Saint for Young People
Salesian Newslink ZMB 5
rector majorHe became poor, so that by his
poverty you might become rich (cf.
2 Cor 8:9)
These insights are inspired by the
words of Saint Paul: “For you know
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that though he was rich, yet for
your sake he became poor, so that
by his poverty you might become
rich” (2 Cor 8:9). The Apostle was
writing to the Christians of Corinth
to encourage them to be generous
in helping the faithful in Jerusalem
who were in need. What do these
words of Saint Paul mean for us
Christians today?
Christ's grace
By making himself poor, Jesus did
Christ's poverty is the greatest without faith, without support,
not seek poverty for its own sake
treasure of all: Jesus' wealth is that without hope.
but, as Saint Paul says “that by his
of his boundless confidence in God There are three types of destitution:
poverty you might become rich”.
the Father, his constant trust, his material, moral and spiritual.
This is no mere play on words or a
desire always and only to do the
- Material destitution is what is
catch phrase. Rather, it sums up
Father's will and give glory to him.
normally called poverty.
God's logic, the logic of love, the
Jesus is rich in the same way as a
- No less a concern is moral logic of the incarnation and the
child who feels loved and who loves
destitution, which consists in cross. God did not let our salvation
its parents, without doubting their
slavery to vice and sin. drop down from heaven, like
love and tenderness for an instant.
someone who gives alms from their - Many people no longer see Jesus' wealth lies in his being the
abundance out of a sense of meaning in life or prospects for the Son; his unique relationship with
altruism and piety. Christ's love is future, many have lost hope! This is the Father is the sovereign
different! Therefore, it is striking that called “Spiritual destitution” which prerogative of this Messiah who is
the Apostle states that we were set we experience when we turn away poor.
free, not by Christ's riches but by his from God and reject his love. In the
It has been said that the only real
poverty. So what is this poverty by Gospel we find the real antidote to
regret lies in not being a saint (L.
which Christ frees us and enriches spiritual destitution.
Bloy); we could also say that there is
us? It is his way of loving us, his way
In Lent we hope to find the whole only one real kind of poverty: not
of being our neighbour, just as the
Church ready to bear witness to all living as children of God and
Good Samaritan was neighbour to
those who live in material, moral brothers and sisters of Christ.
the man left half dead by the side of
and spiritual destitution the Gospel
message of the merciful love of
God our Father, who is ready to
embrace everyone in Christ. We
can so this to the extent that we
the road (Lk 10:25ff). What gives us imitate Christ who became poor
true freedom, true salvation and Our witness and enriched us by his poverty.
true happiness is the compassion, Therefore as fruit of Lent, looking at Christians are called to confront the
tenderness and solidarity of his Christ we can become merciful and poverty of our brothers and sisters,
love. Christ's poverty which act with mercy. to touch it, to make it our own and
enriches us is his taking flesh and
to take practical steps to alleviate it.
bearing our weaknesses and sins as
Destitution is not the same as
Pope Francis, Lent 2014
an expression of God's infinite
poverty: destitution is poverty
mercy to us.
6 Salesian Newslink ZMB
Pope Francis’ Message
for Lent 2014
He became poor, so that by his poverty
you might become rich (cf. 2 Cor 8:9)
Church Today |
Franco Origlia / Getty Images
Christians are called to confront the poverty of our brothers and sisters,
to touch it, to make it our own and to take practical steps to alleviate it.Salesian Newslink ZMB 7
Greetings from the Salesian Congregation.
During this Chapter, we will be studying the following Generalate in Rome. We are
theme: “Witnesses to the Radical Approach of the just on the eve of beginning the 27th
Gospel - Work and Temperance.” It is divided into 3 General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco. The
sub-themes: Mystics in the Spirit, Prophets of General Chapter takes place every six years. The First
Fraternity and Servants of the Young. Basically it General Chapter was held at Lanzo near Turin, in 1877,
amounts to studying deeply how we can live as men attended by Don Bosco and 22 Salesians and lasted just
of God, who are able to live together happily in 13 days. During his life time, Don Bosco attended the
fraternal communities and spend our entire lives for first four General Chapters of the Salesian Society.
the salvation of the young. We will also discuss
For the present General Chapter, which is the 27th, there about some structural changes in the set up of the
are 220 Salesians from 58 countries, taking part. The Salesian Society. Towards the end of March, we will
highest number of Chapter members are from Italy (34), also have the elections of the Rector Major and the
followed by those from India (31), Spain (20), Brasil (13) other members of the General Council. During this
and Poland (10). There are 127 Chapter members who Chapter, we will also have an audience with the Holy
will be taking part in a General Chapter for the first time. Father, Pope Francis. The Chapter will come to an end
Fr Francesco Maraccani, who is the Procurator General on 12 April 2014.
of the Society, holds the record for the number of I would kindly request your prayers so that this
General Chapters that he will have attended. This is the General Chapter may go on well and that it will bring
8th time that he is taking part in the General Chapter!! about a renewal among all the Salesians all over the
Though we come from so many different countries, we world. Pope Francis in his latest exhortation
will live as a happy family of the sons of Don Bosco. “Evangelii Gaudium – the Joy of the Gospel” is inviting
Though during the official meetings, there will be all Christians to be joyful because all of us have been
simultaneous translations in 5 languages, in the redeemed by Jesus through His suffering and death –
refectory, during informal moments; we will be able to that we are precious to God… that we are people of
communicate with each other with broken English, great value. This is what should make us happy. This is
Italian, French, Spanish, etc. – at times even the sign the gospel message we are called to live and to share
language! There is already a spontaneous climate of joy with others. I hope and pray that all of us Salesians in
that is visible, as we meet old and new friends from all ZMB will be able to live this Gospel joy and transmit it
over the world. to all the people especially the young with whom we
The Rector Major decided that the Chapter would begin are in contact in the different countries of our Vice-
with a short pilgrimage to the Salesian holy places to province.
invoke the help of our father and founder Don Bosco and
that of Mary Help of Christians, so that this Chapter will With best wishes and prayers,
Yours, have a decisive effect of renewal in all the Salesians. All
the Chapter members will meet in Turin on 22nd
Fr George Chalissery SDB
February. We will return to Rome on 24th and then have
21 February 2014
a short retreat. Then there would be the official opening
of the Chapter with the report of the General Councillors
on their different sectors of animation and then finally the
report by the Rector Major on the state of the
Dear Friends,
Witnesses of the Radicality of the GospelChawama – Lusaka (ZAMBIA) Moshi (TANZANIA)
11-12/02/2014. Meeting of 06-07/02/2014. Curatorium
Parish Priests of ZMB. Following Meeting for Provincials of AFM,
the annual calendar of activities 7 AFE and ZMB. Fr Gianni Rolandi
Parish Priests representing the (AFE), Fr Francois Duffour (AFM)
Salesian Parishes of Kazembe, and Fr George Chalissery (ZMB)
Rundu, Bauleni, Harare, Hwange, gathered together with the Staff
Kabwe and Mansa gathered at the Members of Moshi Community led
provincial house for a two-day- by Fr Vincent Tembo (ZMB) for the
Chimese – Mansa (ZAMBIA) seminar on the Salesian Parish. annual curatorium meeting.
17/02/2014. New School Only the parish priest of During the meeting Fr Vincent gave
Prefects sworn in. Twenty four Nkhotakota and Lilongwe were not a thorough report for the academic
(24) students of Don Bosco present for various reasons. The year 2012-2013.
Secondary School in Mansa took meeting was chaired by the
their oaths as prefects during a Provincial of ZMB, Fr George Lusaka (ZAMBIA)
colourful ceremony led by the C h a l i s s e r y a n d w i t h t h e 05/02/2014. A Day with the
school manager Br. Walter interventions of the Youth Children and Youth of Makeni
Thyrniang in the presence of all the Delegate, the Provincial Economer Refugee Camp. The Novice Master
School Staff at a well organised and an invited guest who shared and all the Salesian Novices of AFM
morning assembly. A team of staff some new insights from the Canon and ZMB visited Makeni Refugee
members conducted individual law on what regards Marriage Camp in an effort to share the joys
interviews and carefully selected issues. and sorrows of the children and
the prefects who promised to work youth of the camp. The Salesian
together and in collaboration with Novices who are preparing
the school authority for the good of themselves to become educators,
the school and their fellow like St John Bosco, visited the camp
students. with interest and brought joy to the
youth who live there. The initiative
Tsabango – Lilongwe (MALAWI) was shared with the FMA sisters
15/02/2014. Meeting of Parents who run City of Hope who also
st for the 1 Year Students. The joined in the adventure. The day
Management of Don Bosco experience at the camp helped to
Technical College – Lilongwe called create a family-like atmosphere
09/02/2014. The Catholic Youth
all the parents of the new students among the youth.
in Action. Don Bosco Youth Centre
to be informed of the Programme
– Rundu was chosen to host the
and Activities of the College.
first National Camp for the Catholic
Around 200 parents and guardians
Youth. National Leaders from the
attended the meeting which was
Catholic Youth from Namibia
chaired by the Principal Fr Michael
facilitated the meetings during the
Mbandama. The meeting began
camp which gathered hundreds of
with the opening prayer led by Br
young people from Okavango
Robert Malusa SDB. Among the
region. The Salesian Community of
topics were also discussed matters
Rundu welcomed the participants
re ga rdi n g t h e sc h o o l a n d
and Deacon Jerome Bwalya SDB
Kabwe (ZAMBIA)
examination fees. Mr. Patrick
helped them with the programme,
29/01/2014. Let's bear the
Masala facilitated the session.
especially with the liturgical part of
fruits which the Salesians
the programme. The meeting
planted. The Oratory group in
began on Friday 7, February and
close collaboration with Br
ended on Sunday with the send off
Kennedy Mayamiko SDB has
mass. During the concluding mass,
organised a day of reflection for the
the National Leader thanked the
evaluation of the year 2013 at Don
Salesian Community for their help
Bosco Youth Centre – Kabwe. The
and welcoming attitude.
initiative comes as part of the
SWSalesian Wdorl
8 Salesian Newslink ZMBThe Rector of the community, Fr for 2014; he also presented the
Bruno Zamberlan, called together new way of organising the finances
Br Frantisek Radecki and Br in ZMB according to the New
Christopher Kole for a community Accounting System established
meeting, the first of the year 2014. some time back.
Fr Bruno is operating from Zambia
since his work permit for Chimese - Mansa (ZAMBIA)
Zimbabwe is not yet approved. 13/01/2014. First day of the
programme to develop what the Until now the parish is without a School Year for Don Bosco
Salesian community has been resident priest. In the meantime Secondary School. Students from
working on for many years as part the bishop of Hwange, Mons. Grade 8 and 9 came to Don Bosco
of the educative and pastoral plan Alberto Serrano administers the
for the young people of Kabwe. The parish aware of the critical
number of Salesians is now smaller situation of the community.
and thus the collaboration with lay
people is urgently felt. The group
showed maturity in looking at the
current situation and coming up
with ways to improve the oratory
group. The meeting ended in an
Mansa for their first school day of
anticipated celebration of the Feast
the year 2014. The School Manager,
of St John Bosco.
Br Walter Thyrniang together with
17 staff members welcomed the
Chimese – Mansa (ZAMBIA) students on the first day of the first
25/01/2014. Pius Mupaya a year of operations of the New
casualty of the Don Bosco Secondary School. The actual
Acrobatics Team. The rector of number is 240 students which will
Mansa community Fr Oswald increase the following years as the
Mulenga accompanied by Cl Grades 10, 11 and 12 will be added.
Maurice Tichi SDB and a group of Due to the ordination of the new
young people went to Mansa bishop of Mansa, the official
Chimese - Mansa (ZAMBIA) General Hospital to visit Mr Pius blessing of the school will be
27/01/2014. Preparation of the Mulenga, a member of the scheduled for the month of March
Episcopal Consecration of the acrobatics team who remained 2014.
New Bishop. The Evangelisation seriously injured after a routine
Team of St James Parish held a day practice at Don Bosco youth centre Chingola (ZAMBIA)
of final preparations for the when he missed landing on a 09/01/2014. Blessing of the
Episcopal consecration of the New mattress, by collapsing on the recently rebuilt Pre-Novitiate.
Bishop of Mansa Fr Patrick pavement. The situation is quite The Provincial of ZMB, Fr George
Chisanga OFM. St James Parish has delicate and Pius has been referred Chalissery has blessed the new
been honoured with the hosting of to Lusaka to the University premises of the Salesian Pre-
the bishop's consecration. The Teaching Hospital (UTH). Novitiate in Chingola. The Salesian
bishop's consecration will take
place at St James Parish on 1 Kuomboka – Lusaka (ZAMBIA)
February 2014. 16-17/01/2014. Meeting of
A d m i n i s t r a t o r s o f Z M B
Victoria Falls (ZIMBABWE) Communities. The Provincial
2 7 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 4 . Co m m u n i t y Economer of ZMB facilitated the
without borders. The Salesian meeting of the Administrators of
C o m m u n i t y o f H w a n g e Z M B . Te n a d m i n i s t r a t o r s
(Zimbabwe) held their first annual representing the communities of
Community with the help of the community meeting at the border Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi
Rector Major has completed the between Zimbabwe and Zambia. spared two days of their busy
reconstruction of the Pre-novitiate
timetable to gather at the
blown away last year during a
provincial house for the annual
heavy storm. Mr. Kazimiersz Piejo
meeting. Only Rundu and
was entrusted with the re-
Nkhotakota were absent. The
construction of the old building.
Provincial Economer briefed the
The rector of the community, Fr
administrators of the financial
Leszek Aksamit, thanked the
situation of ZMB, presenting the
provincial for the support offered
Financial Year 2013 and the Budget
Salesian Newslink ZMB 9
LOCAL NEWS10 Salesian Newslink ZMB
to the community during the presentations and as a conclusion Guest of Honour. Teaching and
process of reconstruction. He there was a sports competition. Administrative Staff were proud of
asked the Provincial to make The Salesian Novices showed their the achievements made by the
extensive to the Rector Major his enthusiasm and talent by putting 2013 Batch.
heartfelt gratitude. on stage well prepared cultural
Lilongwe (MALAWI)
05/01/2014. Young People Tsabango – Lilongwe (MALAWI)
Receive the Sacrament of 15/12/2014. From the Youth
Confirmation. On Sunday 5 Hall to the New Parish Building.
January, the Archbishop of The new parish church in Area 23,
Lilongwe Tarcisius Gervazio Lilongwe has now been opened for
S i ayaye a d m i n i s t e re d t h e
Sacrament of Confirmation to a Kasisi – Lusaka (ZAMBIA)
multitude of over 200 young 07/12/2013. First Anniversary
people. The ceremony took place in of the death of Br Clement
the new church. The Provincial of Mutamba SDB. A significant
ZMB was also present during the number of Salesians from ZMB
confirmation mass and during the Province, FMA and other members
thanksgiving Fr George thanked of the Salesian Family gathered
the archbishop for his presence at t o g e t h e r i n B a u l e n i t o
the public worship. For the last 18
Don Bosco Area 23. The provincial c o m m e m o r a t e t h e f i r s t
years parishioners of Don Bosco
invited the archbishop to anniversary of the death of Br
Parish have been gathering at
consecrate the church once it will Clement Mutamba. Fr Leszek
various locations for the Sunday
Aksamit, the vice-provincial of
celebration of the Eucharist. It first
ZMB, presided over the Eucharistic
started under a tent at the parking
c e l e b r a t i o n . D u r i n g t h e
place of the community; later on it
thanksgiving, each person received
was shifted to the youth hall of the
the Obituary Letter of late Br
youth centre. Although not yet fully
Clement , composed by Fr
completed, the parish priest Fr
Tresphord Chisanga SDB. After the
Patrick Makina with the help of the
Eucharistic celebration, all
parishioners and most especially
participants moved to the
Fr Alex Kim has finally moved in to be completed and fully furnished.
cemetery in Kasisi laid flowers and
the new building. From now on the
bless the tombstone.
Sunday masses will be celebrated Chelston – Lusaka (ZAMBIA)
in this new church. 28/12/2013. Feast of the Holy
Makeni - Lusaka (ZAMBIA)
Innocents. The Novice Master and
20/10/2014. The Polish Order
the novices from ZMB were invited
to “Polonia Restituta”-. Four
to participate in the annual feast of
Polish Salesian Missionaries from
the Holy Innocents that takes place
ZMB Vice-Province (Fr Leszek
at the Jesuit Novitiate in Lusaka.
Aksamit, Fr Czeslaw Lenczuk, Fr
N o v i c e s f r o m v a r i o u s
Krzysztof Rychcik and Fr Andrzej
congregations both male and
Dzieborski) have been honoured
female were also present. The
by the Polish Government for their
programme began with the
valuable contribution in delivering
Eucharistic celebration presided
Humanitarian Aid and promoting
by Fr Peter, the Novice Master from
Kazembe – Mwanzabombwe Education among the Zambian
the Comboni Missionaries. After
(ZAMBIA) population. The Polish Prime
mass, the novices presented
0 7 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 . G ra d u a t i o n Minister was present during the
sketches, songs and other items for
Ceremony. The management of rewards ceremony. The late Fr
the entertainment all those
Don Bosco Carpentry School – Zy g m u n t L a b u n wa s a l s o
present. Luch followed the
Kazembe held the annual mentioned during the awards.
graduation ceremony to close the
Academic Year 2013 and award the
second year students with the Craft
in Carpentry. The ceremony was
presided by the Rector and School
Principal Fr Piotr Malec SDB. Mr
Gabriel Chibwaya (D.E.S.O) of
Mwansabombwe District was the
LOCAL NEWSSalesian Newslink ZMB 11
participation in the various
activities helped the young feel
more at home and truly a member
of the Salesian Family.
The main topic was “Youth
Volunteer for Christ” was
delivered by Fr Antonio. He
emphasized on the idea that it is
Christ who invites people and
sends people to evangelise. The
mission to announce the Gospel is
part of our Christian mission; we
have all received it in Baptism,
therefore it is now time to witness
with our own lives and our
actions. He reminded the young
people that like St Paul we should
think of the responsibility of
announcing the Gospel, to the
extent of saying with St Paul,
“Woe to me, if I don't preach the
The Programme included a visit to
the mighty Victoria Falls. The last
The theme for the year 2013 was Barrientos, the ZMB Youth
day of the youth festival was
“Youth Volunteer for Christ”, Delegate, Fr Philani Nkuve, a
dedicated to the Pilgrimage to the
following the invitation from Pope diocesan priest, Fr Tresford Chota
Grotto of Mary Help of Christians
Francis to all young people “to go sdb, rector of Harare Community,
at St Theresa's Parish and from
out and evangelise.” Young Mr Michael Nguluve, Chief
there the group moved to the
people from Hwange, Harare, C a t e c h i s t f r o m H a r a r e
Cathedral where the Eucharistic
Bulawayo and Kabwe came Archdiocese. The various talks
celebration of last day took place.
together to the Salesian were followed by group
From the Cathedral all the youth
community of Hwange to spend a discussion and questions to the
went to Victoria Falls (100 km
few days of prayer, reflection, speakers. In the evenings, the
from Hwange, on the border with
interaction and fun. various delegations had the
The youth festival was organised chance to present their traditional
To conclude the annual youth
by the Salesian Community of dances, dramas and songs,
festival, all the participants took
Hwange, represented by Bro prepared for the occasion. Each
part in the dinner dance in which
Christopher Kole sdb, in day began with the morning
youngsters exchanged gifts with
collaboration with the Salesian prayer, organised by each of the
their 'secret friends'. This is a
community of Harare and many delegations present in the event.
practice that helps youngsters to
other collaborators from St Breakfast and chores followed the
pray and broaden their friendship
Theresa's Parish (Hwange). The daily morning prayers. The
among their members, by means
festival began on Thursday 26 Eucharistic celebration had the
of picking up the name of a youth
December in the evening. The first central place of the festival and it
from the group with the
delegation to arrive was Kabwe, was celebrated at 11:30 am. The
commitment of praying for
led by Mrs. Margaret Banda various delegations were
him/her and on the last day to
(youth matron of the oratory). The organised to conduct the music,
reveal his/her name and offer
last to arrive was the delegation and help with the readings of the
him/her a gift.
from Harare led by Fr Chota who liturgy. In the afternoons, the
stopped in Bulawayo for a whole group enjoyed the indoor
moment of prayer and the and outdoor games organised by
Eucharistic celebration that was the delegation from Harare led by
part of the youth pilgrimage to Mr Emmanuel Makuyana.
Hwange. This year's festival witnessed a
The programme consisted of talks strong presence of Salesian
given by various facilitators, Cooperators from Harare
a m o n g t h e m F r A n t o n i o Nucleus. Their presence and
Volunteer for Christ
Hwange (Zimbabwe) 26-30/12/2013. HUNDREDS OF YOUNG
Youth12 Salesian Newslink ZMB
he members of the Salesian
Family are educators by
vocation because they follow Don
Bosco. Don Bosco understood
himself as a priest who is always an
educator. Don Bosco is an educator
sharing God's heart and concern for
his people. Here we are to present first
the way Don Bosco understood
himself as an educator and an
because he was an educator. It is
educator with the heart of God
interesting to know that he tagged
because sharing God's activity; and,
himself as an educator. In all his trips
then, present God's activity as an
Don Bosco filled in the forms, writing
educator of his people.
as his profession “a primary school
People may argue, then, whether he
felt his vocation as an educator more
than that of a priest. Don Bosco lived
intensely his being a priest. This
permeated all his life some much so
that it was the distinctive feature of
his personal profile. However, there is
not such as thing to have it put as
opposing vocations. To be a priest is
to be an educator of God's people
and that is exactly what Don Bosco
did with his life. Don Bosco because
of his being a priest of God was the
educator of God's own.
Now, the Salesians (that is, all the
members of the Salesian Family) live
this call in their own specific
vocations: committing themselves to
evangelize, they commit themselves
to educate in the style of Don Bosco.
Thus, being educators is also for them
all a distinctive feature of their being
children of God.
God as the educator per excellence
The History of Salvation is presented Don Bosco Educator
as a pedagogical enterprise. God is Don Bosco was not a saint that
the educator of his people. God distinguished himself for doing some
interacts with his people: he speaks educative work. Don Bosco is a saint
and proposes some experiences to who became so because of his
them. He not only speaks to them. He educative commitment. He is not a
also speaks with them. He speaks to saint and educator. He is a saint
Educators with the Heart of God
By Fr Jorge Ormeño sdb
Salesians Makeni
Volunteer Piotr - Hwange
Volunteer Benia Jamroz - Hwange
Don Bosco constantly reminded his collaborators
his motto: “Education is a matter of the heart”.
For Don Bosco engaging
in the task of educating the young
was not a career but a vocation.Lusaka (ZAMBIA) 08/12/2013.
Christmas Play organised by the FMA
Community of City of Hope. The girls from the
hostel of the Salesian Sisters of City of Hope in
Lusaka had put up Christmas play in
preparation for celebration of Christmas 2013.
The play began at 4:30 pm local time. Sr
Ryszarda Piejko FMA welcomed all the invited
guests, among them benefactors and friends of
City of Hope. The girls of City of Hope were
organised in two choirs while the main
characters of the Christmas story, Mary, Jesus,
Joseph, the Magi and the shepherds were
making their way to the stage at various times
amidst the Christmas carols prepared by the
girls of City of Hope with the help of the
Franciscan Friars. After the Christmas play all
participants were invited to share some snacks
outside the main hall. To everyone's surprise,
while enjoying the refreshments prepared by
the community, Father Christmas appeared
surrounded by little girls dressed up as angels
distributing gifts and wishing everyone “Merry
Christmas!” The Christmas play is an annual
event put up by the girls of City of Hope to
highlight the importance of Christmas that is
central and very important in the life of every
believer, and also to show their gratitude to the
various friends and donors who make possible
their education.
Salesian Newslink ZMB 13
their hearts. Sometimes he proposes them to
undergo some experiences. In other occasions
people choose to undergo some experiences on
their own. However, in any case, God always
respects their freedom and draws not only a
lesson, but also some good out of any of their
experiences. Thus, we can say that the whole
history of salvation is but a testimony of God's
educative experience with his people.
Jesus is presented as the 'Master'. If we could
label Jesus' profession, the tag would have to say
“teacher!” Jesus' main occupation was the
Father and his Kingdom. He came to this world
to make real God's love for us and his
commitment to our salvation. In order to do
that, Jesus had to dismantle the previous
conceptions and to convey a completely new
understanding of God. Jesus had to help people
in the task of unlearning their village, narrow
and limited way of thinking and to be open to the
whole world. Jesus contested the old ideas of the
people of his time regarding God (who God is
and how he acts), regarding the world, regarding
salvation; and helped them see a God that is
beyond the best of their expectations.
Saint Paul, interpreting the way God works in
the human history, portrayed God as an
educator. God, in Paul's point of view, gave the
Law to his people; then, he sent his Son to reveal
himself to us; and, finally, he sent the Holy Spirit
to unwrap the treasures of his love bestowed in
us by Jesus. The Church has pick up this task and
commits herself to the task to educate her
children, those that God gives her now and
again. She educates them in the wonderful
mysteries of being human and also being divine.
In educating, the Salesian Family shares the
heart of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The
Salesian Family participates in God's work that
creates the human person; Christ's action that
reveals our being children of God and makes it
possible to live as such; and the Spirit's mission
that inspires in us our growth in freedom and the
natural manifestations of our being God's
City of Hope
Playof 70 schools were abandoned.
The education crisis which started in
1998 saw an evident depletion of
teachers in schools due to very poor
wages which plunged school
attendance rates down from over
80 per cent to 20 per cent.
In 2009, schools opened two weeks
late, exam results had not been
released and learning and teaching
only resumed in some urban areas
for the few who could afford to
subsidize teachers' salaries and pay
very expensive school fees in US
dollars. (The result of hyperinflation
of the Zimbabwe dollar which is no
longer in use in Zimbabwe as a
Since then, nothing much has
changed for the better.
“Hot-seating” or “double seating” is
another common occurrence that
attempts to deal with the shortage
of schools in the country as one
group of students come in the
morning and then another new
group in the afternoon or evening. o understand education in members of the population. The
Another challenge of equal the schools of Zimbabwe, fees charged by independent
importance is that Zimbabwe now one must go back in time to schools are regulated by the
has a lower proportion of female independence in 1980 when it was Cabinet of Zimbabwe.
students, though The Education Act made free in the Government run Zimbabwe had achieved primary
provides for equal access. As a schools and the disparities education for all and secondary
result of inadequate funds, parents remaining from the colonial system education for the majority.
often choose to send the boy to were lessened. Zimbabwe's education system was
school rather than the girl. Education was declared a basic once among the best in Africa but is
Many teachers also demand extra human right in Zimbabwe and a now suffering from a decline in
payment from parents to teach their non-racial, multicultural system public funding as well from the
c h i l d r e n a s a m e a n s o f introduced. consequences of the period of
supplementing their poor income. Since 1988 though, the government hyperinflation and political unrest.
In short and to conclude a weighty has gradually increased the costs In 2009 with the government of
and lengthy topic, the weight of attached to school enrolment until national unity coming into being,
salaries, learning material such as they now considerably exceed what UNICEF released information
stationary, text books and the like as is affordable to the general showing that 94 per cent of schools
well as school maintenance now fall population. in rural Zimbabwe were closed and
on parents and many struggle just to All children in Zimbabwe have the called for the government to make
be able to put food on the table in right to education as noted above education a priority.
Zimbabwe. As a result of this, many but both development levies and This is what they had to say: “The
children will lose out on this vital tuition fees must be paid. education situation is a national
right. Tuition fees traditionally have been disaster. It is imperative that the
The rural schools demonstrate this. low, though development levies unity government focuses on this.
What is needed here to revitalise have been hurdles for parents and Children in rural areas already live
the schools is financing for or guardians to overcome. on the margins, many are orphaned,
classroom construction, school fees The Ministry of Education, Sport a huge number depend on food aid,
assistance, textbooks, learning and Culture of Zimbabwe maintains they struggle on numerous fronts.”
materials, boreholes, toilets in rural and operates the government said Roeland Monasch, UNICEF
schools, food supplementation schools. Representative in Zimbabwe. “Now
schemes and a way to pay teachers The more affluent portion of the these children are being denied the
enough so that they want to come population send their children to only basic right that can better their
back and teach. independent or private schools, prospects. It is unacceptable.”
Perhaps then a culture of learning while the government-run schools Data from routine evaluative visits
can be revived. are attended by the poorer across Zimbabwe revealed that 66
14 Salesian Newslink ZMB
By Pearl Chanjack
Crisis in Education
Private Schools tries to ease the situation; yet their efforts can only
cater for those who can afford their school fees.
Tpeoples in the vast field of first profession as a obviously disturbed, who
education in the country. Salesian on 8 September committed this terrible act
With deep sorrow in our 1952 and was ordained and cut off the lives of two
heart we are passing on priest on 15 August 1962, men who dedicated their
tragic and painful news: in Guatemala City, where life to poor and needy
around midnight on 15 he had studied theology. youth. As a Salesian family
February, two armed He exercised his priestly we reject any act of
young people entered Don ministry in all simplicity, violence by and against
Bosco High School in fraternally and with any person and we demand
Two Salesians murdered
Valencia and in a violent particular apostolic t h a t t h e c o m p e t e n t
and chapel desecrated
robbery attempt, brutally dedication, almost always authorities clarify these
(ANS - Valencia) -
murdered Fr Jesús Plaza, working in a parish. events and follow the path
17/2/2014 - Venezuela
80 years of age, and Bro. Brother Luis Edilberto of social justice and peace
Luis Sánchez, 84 years of Sánchez Morantes came which has been sorely
At midnight on Saturday
age. In the struggle to from Boavita (Boyacá, lacking over recent years.
15 February, two Salesians
defend his confreres, the Colombia), where he was We ask everyone to pray
of the Don Bosco High
Rector of the community, born on 23 October 1929. for the eternal repose of Fr
School in Valencia were
Fr David Marín, was His first profession as a Plaza and Bro. Sánchez; at
killed. In a press release,
seriously injured, and was Salesian was 16 August the same time we ask
the Salesians of Don Bosco
admitted to emergency to 1956, in Los Teques. He people to be active and
and the Salesian Family
be operated on. He is now s t u d i e d t e c h n i c a l vigilant in continuing to
expressed deep sorrow and
out of danger. education, business build a Venezuelan society
concern about the acts of
Other than this violent studies, and spent a long in shared peace and safety.
violence that occurred in
abuse of community space, and well-qualified career May the death of these two
the Don Bosco High
the delinquents also went as a Salesian teacher religious who have been
into the chapel where they amongst the young in unconditionally dedicated
“The Catholic Church in
profaned the Blessed colleges in Sarría, Puerto to the education of the
Venezuela has suffered
Sacrament and stole sacred La Cruz and Don Bosco poor, not go unpunished;
irreparable loss with the
vessels and other items. Valencia. may the memory of their
death of two Religious of
Fr Jesús Erasmo Plaza With sorrow at the loss of virtues urge us on to
the Salesian Family who
Salessi was born 2 June these elderly Salesians we continue struggling for a
had spent so much effort
934, in La Mesa de Ejido in also feel deep regret for the country which is free and
serving needy young
Mérida State. He made his two young assailants, peaceful”.
SWSalesian Wdorl
Salesian Newslink ZMB 15
24/01/2014. New Republic. 18/02/2014. 07/02/2014. One year 09/01/2014. Peace March
Provincial for South Reconciliation and after the death of Fr on the Anniversary of the
Korea. The Rector Major, Forgiveness are difficult Bolla. The Salesian Referendum. The
Fr Pascual Chavez has words. Fr Jose M. Sabe, Mission among the Ashuar Catholic Church organised
appointed Fr Stephen Yang reported that there are over continues and the church a peaceful march asking
Sung Kook sdb, new 1,000 refugees and food among Ashuar keeps God for the gift of peace
provincial of South Korea. supply is very the growing. Fr Diego Clavijo in the newest African
Fr Stephen was born on 8 Salesian parish of is the successor of the country. The response was
Sept. 1959. Galabdja, Bangui. great missionary Fr Bolla. massive.16 Salesian Newslink ZMB
If we are unhappy about our
Youth Ministry then what and
where is the problem? Is it with
the PYD or the Vice-Province or
our community or the youth?
Could it be that it is our personal
problem? Maybe each one of us has to find a
way of being the servant to the young rather than
talking and complaining about the apostolate
that we are all suppose to be experts and
promised to be professionals.
The Directory interprets clearly the problems at
personal, community and provincial level. I
looked at the two pages and they project a
negative scenario in the province in this regard.
But no answers are given. May be we are still
seeking for inspiration and looking for examples.
What I believe is that the solutions are in our
hearts and we know, only we don't talk about
them otherwise we have to start to put them into
practice. No doubt youth ministry is a collective
action but it requires the effort and focus of each
one of us. Complaining about structures,
systems and other people will not do any good.
ello Thinking People,
This seems to be the tendency in ZMB, we are
concerned about structures, things, money but
The title has changed, from 'thinking point' to
not people. Look at the minutes of our
'taking point' this is because I want to move from
community, house council, school boards and
the things we think about to the issues we talk
parish meetings, what do we talk about?
about in our Vice Province.
Projects, cars, building, money, community
During the Rector's meeting the topic of youth ministry
luxuries, management etc. Maybe we need to
came up again. There were no details in the report so I am
shift our attention to young people.
not informed what new insights the leaders of our
I end with the first paragraph of the directory
community had. Surprisingly, this same subject matter was
which explains clearly our individual
discussed at length during the last provincial chapter and
responsibility. " Salesian Youth Ministry lies at the
some even got very emotional and personal about it. The
heart of our charism and therefore it is the task
Provincial Youth Delegate was put on the lamplight - I
and obligation of each and every Salesian to
remember - though he was calm in front of what was being
offer his time, talent, potential and whole being
said against him and his work but he did not speak. For those
completely for the benefit of the young people
interested, the new provincial directory highlights the good
God entrusts to our care".
and not so good aspects of our being servants of the Young
in ZMB; (pages 40 to 41).
It is simple and clear. What do you say?
By Walter Thyrniang SDB, MA
Salesians - Mansa
online Follow us
www.salesianszmb.orgLusaka (Zambia) 13-15/01/2014
By Javier A. Barrientos SDB
The new year 2014 has kicked off with the Annual
Meeting of Rectors and Local Superiors of ZMB. 11 of
the 13 Rectors/Local Superiors of ZMB have attended
the meeting that was chaired by the Provincial
Superior of ZMB, Fr George Chalissery. Two Rectors
could not participate due to some immigration issues.
The meeting started on Monday 13 January at 9:00am.
Fr George Chalissery, Provincial Superior of ZMB,
welcomed all confreres who came from the four
countries of ZMB. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read, and after making some serious
grammatical corrections they were approved by the
The agenda of the meeting was presented to the
participants who did not make any addition or
amendment. Among the main topics that were
discussed featured: the signing and implementation of
the Code of Conduct, preparations for the Bicentenary
celebrations of the birth of Don Bosco, Youth Ministry
within ZMB and other dioceses, forthcoming General
Chapter 27 and the future developments of ZMB. To
the last topic, presented by the PDO Director, each
rector commented on the projects and plans they
have in mind for the development of the Salesian
presence in each country.
s, the provincial economer, presented the financial
On the second day, Fr Patrick Mutale, SJ, was
report of the year 2013. He thanked all confreres for
the invited guest to facilitate on a comprehensive
making possible for the province to reduce most of the
reflection on “Discernment”. Fr Patrick began by
unnecessary expenses which led the finances close
showing ways in which leadership is learned and
the year with a surplus. He also helped the reflection
exercised here in the African continent. He argued
on the future developments of the province, which
that the model of African leadership affects the way
included the acquisition of new land in various
authority in exercised in the religious communities and
locations around Lusaka.
the Church in Africa. He showed good and not very-
During the meeting the Rectors pointed out the
good practices of leadership in the African continent,
growing concern on the issues of Youth Ministry at the
beginning from Mandela in South Africa to Taylor in
Provincial level. Rectors' observed that the Youth
Liberia. In the afternoon of the same day, the
Ministry in ZMB seemed to be no longer part of ZMB's
Provincial invited all rectors and local superiors to read
priorities. There was an appeal to the Provincial and his
and share on the Papal Apostolic Letter: “The Joy of
council to look into the matter.
the Gospel”.
The meeting ended with the A.O.B and the final
After the reflection on the apostolic letter of Pope
remarks of Fr George Chalissery.
rectors and
local superiors
Salesian Newslink ZMB 17
completing her secondary death.
education, Leocadia went to Leocadia was a very sociable,
Musiso to undergo training as a cheerful and good communicator.
Leocadia Maricho,
nurse; she trained as a general nurse. She was a counsellor as well. Being a
After a few years she went to further very passionate community
training to Mogernster hospital. member and very dedicated to the
Leocadia was born on
In 1988 Leocadia married Mr. Elisha parish, she joined the first group of
October 14, 1967 in
Maricho and had 3 children with Cooperators in 2012, on occasion of
Gutu, Masvingo. Born to
him: Tafara, Tatenda and Tariro. the visit of the Relics of Don Bosco.
a family of 7 kids: 6 girls
Leocadia worked in Chiredzu at the She had great devotion to St John
and 1 boy. She did
General Hospital. In 1992 she Bosco and she was a very active
primary and secondary
moved to Harare and worked at member of the Association. It is a
school at Mukaro Catholic mission.
Harare Hospital and later on joined great loss both in the family and in
From home she received a very
the Harare City Council until her the community.
deep Catholic education. After
Provincial Events
In Memoriam18 Salesian Newslink ZMB
assembly gathered once again
in the main hall of the Youth
Centre. This time, the facilitator
was Fr Eustace Siame sdb. Fr
Eustace guided the reflection
from the semantic point of view,
C h i n g o l a ( Z A M B I A ) B o s c o a n d h i s f a m o u s clarifying the words contained
29/11/2013. The Salesian “Preventive System”. in the whole event, starting by
Community of Chingola held a
e x p l a i n i n g t h e w o r k
Symposium on the Preventive The first talk of the day was given “Symposium”. During this
System for the Salesian Family, by Mr Asher Mwanza, a student presentation, Fr Eustace
Students of the Technical of the IT Department, who highlighted nature of the
School and Young people of the spoke brilliantly on the historical Preventive System as an attitude
Youth Centre. The Rector of the
of the educator that prevents
Community St Calisto Caravario
a n y w r o n g t h i n g f r o m
– Chingola, Fr Leszek Aksamit
happening by the mere fact of
sdb, has concluded the 2013
his presence among the young.
Symposium on the Preventive
As a conclusion of the second
System of St John Bosco
talk, the facilitator organised the
organised by the community
assembly in groups to have the
under the leadership of Fr
group work and discussion
Eustace Siame sdb. The
before concluding the morning
symposium in Chingola is the
sessions. background of St John Bosco. In
first of its kind after the first
his presentation, Mr Asher
symposium organised at the
In the afternoon, the whole highlighted the presence of
provincial level in Lusaka (City of
assembly gathered in the chapel mama Margaret in the life of
Hope) for all SDB and FMA
of Don Bosco Youth Centre to Don Bosco as one of the pillars
communities of Zambia,
celebrate the Holy Eucharist. of his experience, which later on
Zimbabwe, Malawi and
The rector of the community, Fr came to be known as the
Leszek Aksamit, presided over “Preventive System”. The first
The participation of the
the sacrament and he also had talk ended with spontaneous
members of the Salesian Family
the opportunity to baptise one questions to the speaker and the
was quite impressive despite the
young person from the school guest of honour Father Antonio
time and place. Young people
who underwent the R.C.I.A and Barrientos, ZMB Provincial
from the Technical School and
was ready to receive the Youth Delegate.
Youth Centre came in good
numbers and they were very
After the coffee break, the
eager to learn more about Don
:: Salesians Chingola ::
Chingola community is the first community in ZMB
Vice-Province to hold the Symposium on the Preventive
System of Don Bosco at the local level. The community
has involved those who took part in the meeting in Lusaka.
Fr Eustace Siame SDB was the main speaker.
Symposium - Group Work
Symposium - Fr Siame’s Talk
Symposium - Fr Aksamit’s SpeechSalesian Newslink ZMB 19
few days ago I was asked by Fr
Antonio to write an article on the
History of our ZMB Vice-Province,
especially to what regards to my
missionary experience. He said,
“there are a few Polish missionaries
who still can tell some of the stories
otherwise unknown to most of the confreres.
It would be nice to have some of those
stories told by the protagonists.” I started to build the Catholic Bookshop from the scratch. To
I want to start by saying that when we do begin this enterprise I received USD 20,000from the Zambia
something normal or ordinary, like our Bishops' Conference; it wasn't really much, but that's all they
missionary work, nobody will see it as could afford. The preparation took more than one year and in
something special. When you do something May 1990 we are able to open the Catholic Bookshop in Lusaka,
normal on daily bases nobody will see or for the occasion we had the visit of Cardinal Tomko (from Rome)
recognize it, but when you do something not and the whole Zambian Episcopal Conference. Running the
particularly nice or extremely bad you will be Catholic Bookshop in Zambia was not easy. We knew that
on the front page of newspapers with big Zambian people were not very rich at that time and sometimes
headlines or as breaking news on TV. I want to buy a good book they would think twice, and most likely they
to say that my missionary life is very simple will not buy it. Knowing this fact, I started writing to some
except that I can tell you what I did in the organizations like Church in Need (Kirche in Not) and Missio in
name of our Congregation for the benefit of Germany. I also wrote to some bishops and Cardinals in various
the Catholic Church in Zambia. countries asking them for some financial help to run and even
“subsidise” the books. I must say that I received tremendous
support and it was very encouraging. With this help, I managed
to acquire books from the Catholic Bookshop in Nairobi and sell
them cheaper than Nairobi. From St Paul's Publications - Boston I
received one container of books (almost free of charge).
To continue running the Bookshop and keeping the prices low
and helping in creating a reading culture, I needed to travel a lot
to New York, London, New Delhi, Bombay and Germany,
visiting some of the most famous Catholic Publishing houses. I
was travelling also to sell our books in Harare (Zimbabwe)
somewhere near the Cathedral, Bulawayo, Plumtree etc. I need
to acknowledge that once at the border with Botswana I got very
Let me start from the beginning. I came to
good help from a SVD brother; he facilitated the clearance
Zambia in October 1985 together with Fr
through customs. In Botswana, I went mainly to Gaborone and
Kazimiersz Kulczycki and 4 seminarians. My
sold books at the Catholic Cathedral. In Malawi, I visited
first appointment was Nsakaluba (Mwense)
Lilongwe, and I arranged some bookselling at Likuni Press and at
where I worked with Fr Pawel Dziatkiewicz
the Monfort Fathers' (Balaka). The Handmaid Sisters were
(now in the USA). I spend wonderful time
working with me for some years, also brother Thomas
there with the people from Mwense. They
Skolasinski and some lay people.
were very welcoming and quickly I learn how
When the Catholic Bookshop was working quite well, the Vice-
to say mass in ciBemba. From Mwense, Fr
Province gave the administration of the bookshop to the
Kazimiersz Cichecki (the superior of the
Daughters of St Paul. At first the Catholic Bookshop was
delegation, by then ZMB was not yet a Vice-
operating along Freedom Way. At present it is located near the
Province) asked me to prepare myself to
main Post Office.
work in the 'future Catholic Bookshop.' I was
I believe life shows us ways in which our talents and capacities
wondering what 'future Catholic Bookshop'
are put to work. I’m grateful to Fr Cichecki for entrusting this
would mean; but slowly “I understood” what
work to me and for believing in my capacities to make it happen.
he meant.
By Fr Wojciech Kozlowicz sdb
Official Opening
of the Catholic Bookshop.
Card. Joseph Tomko blessed the bookshop
on May 5, 1990 in Lusaka - Zambia
Catholic Bookshop - LusakaBy Natasha Mhone ,
Don Bosco-
Technical College,
a liberating experience
I would like to begin p r o v i s i o n
with this question: must be made for the
Why is it that the world rectification and refinement of characters; so that
still remembers people like Nelson from our earliest years, the divine foundation should
Mandela, Dalai Lama, St. Dominic Savio, St. Francis be laid and the structures of holiness be raised up.
De sales, John Paul ll, St. Benedict, St. Charles Lwanga, “Training a youth in morals and encouraging to
St Francis Xavier and St. Marry Mazzarello? I think that obverse a good conduct is far more important than
it's because a good deed is never lost. book learning”. Yes, because it is extremely difficult to
All the schools run by the Salesians that are dedicated teach the youth and refine his/her character once his
to the service of youth all over the world exist because youthful days have passed. By then, even if every
of his vision of serving young people. Don Bosco, the effort be exerted to modify some tendency of his/hers,
father and the teacher of the youth, worked with the it all will avail for nothing. He/she may, perhaps,
most heroic sacrifice. He gave comfort to the aimless improve somewhat today; but let a few years pass and
youths. As students of Don Bosco Technical College, the change will be less likely, and also turned back to
this is the right time for us to ponder for a while and his/her habitual condition and accustomed ways.
appreciate all the good things which the Lord has How can we return all these favours to Don Bosco? It's
done for us through Don Bosco. only when we decide ourselves to gird up the loins of
I believe that Don Bosco believed that we the youths our endeavour in showing the virtues he taught us-
are even as a branch that is fresh and green, that we “honest and duty”, just to mention a few. We need
will grow up in whatever way we are trained. It follows carry forward the ever –advancing civilization of love
that the schools must be places of discipline and which he taught us.
order, that instructions must be thorough, and
Salesian Newslink ZMB 20
By: M`mpumulo-wa-mumtima Massa.
Lilongwe, Malawi: IT 31905 the Anglican Cathedral of All basis, hence they handed over the
Saints had been completed near Church to Salima Parish which was
the 'Livingstone Tree'. The cathedral now in a better position of helping
is famous for its original design and the NKK.
gives Nkhotakota the status of The Eventually the parish was
City (This is according to British reallocated from NKK to Liwaladzi,
Imperial Law of Henry VIII from NKK being still one of the
1570… ) outstations. As the population in
Therefore, dear reader, if you have NKK grew in 1978 the parish was
a bit of time do not hesitate to visit relocated back to NKK. This time
this important and historical place. the parish was renamed as St Paul's
After all it was here in Nkhotakota, Parish and the permanent religious
that the big change of mentality community was erected. In the
took place and the commercial eighties, as the number of Catholics
trade slowly begun to developed in grew steadily the new, spacious
place of the cruel and merciless church was constructed by Fr Palais
human trafficking that existed and and the house for the priests was
flourished in this part of Central - enlarged and renovated.
East Africa for many centuries. In 1997, the White Fathers moved
away from Nkhotakota parish and
2. Brief history of the parish handed it over to the Salesians of
Don Bosco who still manage it to
The Missionaries of Africa (White this day.
Fathers), based in Ntchisi district As the time passed the Parish has
being courages and dedicated grown to have 5 big centers (which
missionaries, saw the need for the could be, very easily, separate
catholic parish in that fast grown parishes) and 38 big outstations,
city of Nkhotakota as well as distantly apart. In 2011 it had about
among the large population along 18,000 Christians and 1,000
the lake shore. The first attempt to Catechumens.
initiate the Catholic Parish was As the parish became very big
done in 1948. In this year the indeed the plans and attempts were
outstation post of the Nchisi Parish made to divide it in order to
was created outside the boundary facilitate better the evangelizing
1. Geographical set up.
of the existing city. (At that time the work. It was not that easy however,
British colonial regulation due to the lack of priests in the
St. Paul's Parish is at the centre of
prohibited the catholic missionaries diocese. This dream came true in
Nkhotakota District, one of the nine
to establish the payer house in the 2013 thanks to the hard work of Fr
districts in the central region of the
city boundaries) L. Malama sdb and the former
Republic of Malawi. It is located on
However, they were not able to Archbp. of Lilongwe the Most Rev.
the West coast of the magnificent
visit this outstation too often R. St. Marie. All the ground work
Lake Malawi (famous for delicious
because of the distance and the was done and at the beginning of
Chambo fish), the third largest lake
dangerous Nkhotakota game 2013 the parish has been divided
in Africa. The city is located 200
reserve that was situated between and new missionaries – the
kilometers North-West of Lilongwe,
the Nchisi and NKK itself. In the Missionaries of St Paul came and
the capital city of Malawi. It also
year between 1968 and 1969, established themselves in Benga.
shares an international boundary
Father Polieli, together with Brother The new parish took the 3 centers
with the Republic of Mozambique
John constructed the first Church form the St Paul's Parish and one
to the East. Nkhotakota is famous
here (which still stands to this day) center from Salima Parish.
because of its important historical
and a house for Priests. Presently after the division and
events. It was precisely here, in
The missionaries travelling from according to the latest census
1856 that Dr. D. Livingston signed
Nchisi to NKK were facing serious conducted at the beginning of
the treaty with Jumbo and other
problems such as: vicious wild 2013 St Paul's parish has about
Chewa Chiefs to stop the slave
animals, tse-tse flies, muddy roads 10,000 Christians and 200
trade in this part of Africa. The
during the rainy season and several Catechumens in 3 big centers:
famous treaty site and 'The
other complex factors. In spite of Nkhotkota (NKK), Liwaladzi and
Livingstone Tree' still stands today
their best efforts they could not Matiki.
near St Ann's Anglican hospital. In
sustain their visits on the regular Last year the Secondary School -
Salesian Newslink ZMB 21
By Fr Jozef Czerwinski SDB22 Salesian Newslink ZMB
Don Bosco High School was villages and there was plenty of land accept the contract signed by the
opened on the Parish premises and to go around. As the population mfumu and the neighbor because it
hopefully this will assist the Catholic increased considerably and society is not enforceable in the court of law.
Church in general and the Salesians modernized itself, the system So the land and houses are 'dead
in particular to have more vocations possesses a serious challenge to the capital'. Many people own them
to the priestly and religious life. government and people alike. In my but they cannot make its value work
There are many possibilities as older opinion this is the main problem that for them to expand their businesses.
parish families retire and move Africa is facing now. It is connected
4. Stealing the land away, new families with young strongly to social justice and the
children join the parish. There is an economy. St Paul's Parish in NKK is no
abundance of parish children who Firstly, the land and houses are the exception as such. As the parish
are participating in various ministries most important assets that people expanded in the seventies and
and they are the recipients of new have. However, without a formal eighties, it acquired land in various
and vibrant programs. and official ownership of land (legal places and set up the outstations for
papers or documents) these assets weekly religious services. However,
3. No title deeds can be taken away and given to up to now, we do not have the legal
The land issue is becoming somebody else. This is a terrible title deeds on them. Some of the
increasingly important in the whole injustice and is causing a lot of outstations are situated along the
of Africa. There are serious problems problems, confusion and suffering main road Salima - Nkhata Bay and
to be resolved and some countries among the people. These assets the value of the land is quite
are doing well regarding this (land or houses) could be sold or considerable. As the price of land
dilemma eg.: Botswana, South given to somebody else (mostly to increases every year and people do
Africa, Ghana just to name a few, the relatives of the mafumu) without need the land to live and set up the
others are still struggling, Malawi any proper consultation, agreement businesses chiefs - mafumu - very
or compensation often try to 'resell' the land. In this
to the first owner. way our outstations of Nkunga,
This is precisely of Kalimanjira, Lozi and part of the land
w h a t h a d in Chiya were re-sold to the other
happened to our people.
parish outstations. The most difficult situation is now in
People in Nkhunga Kalimanjira. This outstation, named
( o n e o f o u r after teenage Italian saint Maria
outstation) had Goretti has been sold completely
been evicted of together with the existing church
their land two building.
years ago, because In 1972 the parish acquired a piece
mafumu came to of land for the worship from the local
agreement with mfumu Kalusa. Some years later,
c o m m e r c i a l sometime between 1976-80 the
being in between. In general, in companies to allocate the land to church was build and Christians
rural areas in Malawi, people do not the new agro-industrial venture. have been praying there ever since.
own the land on which they live. They try to resist but all in vain. They Now, we do have a problem
They are just using it without any were too poor and powerless again because the new mfumu, 'has
formal title. The land is simply part the existing structures. Eventually forgotten' that this land was given to
of the field their family had cultivated the compensation was offered but it the parish over 40 years ago and he
for generations. In the country set was too less for the too many. Up to decided unilaterally, without any
up, it is the chief – mfumu that owns now some families have not been consultation whatsoever, to give
the land and has the absolute power compensated yet. These cases are this land to somebody else. So the
over it. If there is a dispute about quite common and as I said earlier transaction was done and Mr B.M.
boundaries the village mfumu they bring a lot of suffering, Kaise who is a local businessman
adjudicates. If the individual or the confusion and social injustice and close relative to the mfumu,
family offends gravely against the a m o n g t h e c o u n t r y s i d e bought the land and commenced
rules of the village the mfumu can communities. the process of obtaining the title
take their land away and give it to Secondly, if we look from the deeds. The Christians were
someone else expelling the 'culprit'. economical point of view, these suspicious about it but for some time
In effect, the mfumu holds all the assets cannot be used to obtain the nothing serious happened. This
land in trust for the tribe, as the king loan and expand business and they year however, the peaceful
did in feudal Europe. are simply worthless. Those 'fixed coexistence escalated almost
The system worked well many years assets' cannot be converted into towards violence as we were denied
ago, when people were living in 'liquid assets' and no bank will the access to the church on
Outstations in the rural area are constantly under attackSalesian Newslink ZMB 23
Saturday, 12th of October 2013. As hope and pray that the court ruling land together with the churches.
there was no way to resolve the will be in our favor. It means that the So dear reader, please in your free
conflict and the situation was getting judge will declare that this land is time keep in your prayers St Paul's
tense, because many Muslims came ours and Mr Kaise has obtained it Parish in NKK. Let us implore our
and were becoming hostile towards illegally. Lord as well as St Paul and our
us, the police had to be brought in to As I have said before, this trend powerful patroness Mary Help of
solve this crisis. When the armed continues and as the parish does not Christians, to intercede and help us
police unit came the local Muslim have any legal documents for its in this struggle. With theirs and your
crowd supporting Mr Kaise ran outstations we are having problems help I am sure that justice will prevail
away instantly. All of them, not even in different places. and we get the land back. More
a single person remained!!! I was In this straggle, (it is a real struggle, importantly we will be able to pray
really surprised at that. I thought indeed) the parish group of Justice a n d w o r s h i p w i t h o u t a n y
that they would have had more and Peace (CCJP) is helping greatly. disturbance.
courage and determination … After It is well organized, properly
this 'intervention' we were and are structured and hopefully together
able to pray without any problems in we will be able to defend the land of
Kalimanjira. the parish, so that Christians could
However, this is not the end to the pray in the churches without any
struggle. The legal battle continues, interference. All parishioners and I,
this time the whole issue is in the hope and pray that justice prevails
court of law in Lilongwe. We do and that the Parish will get back its
process asparagus for We were in Ruben's car
export, and there I met a and he continued talking
nice guy, his name: Rubén to me about her aunt. She
Garibay Trevor. He is the had an accident when she
one in charge of the export was young, and she
of asparagus to the U.S.A, remained paralysed. Up to
Australia, etc. From now her mother helps her
Mexico, he takes care of all with her daily life, and is a
the logistics; he makes the r e a l e x a m p l e o f
documentation and all a c h i e v e m e n t a n d
about it. One day we while determination. Ruben
in town for sales and he drove me to Alina's house,
told me about his aunt and he warned me about
Alina. He told me that she's her condition and that
famous because she can sometimes she is not very
paint without using her comfortable to receiving
arms, she can do it by using visitors. I was particularly
h e r m o u t h o n l y . I excited to meet her but I
r e m e m b e r b e i n g knew that it could also be a
share it with you. Before I impressed by what he said; difficult encounter. When
I want to tell you the story begin I want to dedicate it perhaps it is because “I Ruben greeted her and
of an extraordinary lady to all those people who love painting!” People talked to her about me, she
and the experience I lived think that life is difficult. I who might remember my said, “it's ok”, and I got into
when I met her. I'll send want to say, “life is time in Zambia in 2009, the house. I saw thousand,
you some data compiled amazing”! but is necessary may also remember my perhaps even millions of
from magazines and the to give it meaning with paintings in Bauleni. I was paintings, beautiful,
internet on her profile. Her love for people, being commissioned to paint the delicate, and expressive
name: Alina Trevor Pino. thankful to God for our walls of Bauleni oratory paintings. I saw them and I
Hi there, health and for the gift of and I also helped Fr asked Ruben if I could take
I am Jose Luis Barrientos family. A n t o n i o w i t h s o m e some pictures with the
Maravi. I'm Fr. Antonio's This story starts in the north drawings for the Easter phone, and he said, “It is
youngest brother, my of Mexico. I work for a Camp. Well, since I love ok!”, but the real moment
experience with this Vegetables Company in drawing and painting, so I was when I finally met
special artist was so Sonora, Caborca. I work was interested in meeting Alina. She was really very a
amazing and I want to with 20 people who her. warm and nice person.
By Jose Luis Barrientos Maravi.
(Painter)way to school a vehicle lost Finally, I want to say that I Hearing her words I could
control and run me over, love the desert where I live. sense that she is a person
causing severe damage in I feel that my personality full of love. She was also
my spine and my lower and character have been very interested in my life,
limbs. I was flown to influenced by it, because in my work and my family.
H e r m o s i l l o G e n e r a l I've also stolen its colours in I told her everything about
Hospital where I remained my paintings. The desert is me, I spoke until I felt so
11 days. From there I was violent, aggressive, hard,
moved that unconsciously
flown to Tucson, Arizona but also mild, beautiful and
I let some tears drop down
where I remained for the extremely colourful to an
from my eyes. She was so
next six months. The time extent that we cannot
moved by what I said that
there was exhausting and imagine.
she also told me her
frustrating; however, I Love you all.
history, but I prefer that
book covers, photos, managed to pull through
she tells it directly to you.
magazines, etc, the idea with the love of my Alina
behind was to make sure mother, family and friends
Alina's Life
the paintings are a close to who surrounded me. My experience with Mrs.
My life is Nilda Alina Trevor
the original as possible. I Although I had lost Alina Trevor, also changed
do not consider myself a mobility of all my body, I my life, and I hope she
p r o f e s s i o n a l o r still was able to be a source could read this extract
commercial painter. of inspiration to many from my life when we met;
Usually I keep all my other patients and people I want to make homage to
paintings, because each of of the medical care. In fact, her, for her work, her love
them has a special I was offered a job as a
for people, her passion for
emotional value attached Motivational Speaker.
art. You are an angel in the
to it. I've given out some of Speaking of my trauma and
world. Don't give up and
them to family and friends, the way I found peace in
may God bless you and
visitors and people who a c c e p t i n g m y n e w
your beautiful family. By
ever came to interview me. condition, helped me
the way Ruben, thanks for
From 1994 I belong to the become calm and serene. I
introducing me to your
International Association also discovered I could
wonderful family!
of Mouth and Foot help others in letting go off
Painters. This has helped anger and frustration. Pino. I'm the first born in
Finally I want to tell you me make my paintings As part of the rehabilitation the family. I have two
guys that although life may known far and wide. My process, I began to do brothers and four sister,
be full of obstacles, still we paintings are now in post what I always loved: Sonia, Rubidia, Jorge,
can make the difference cards, calendars and painting! So, with the help Cecilia, Rogelio and Maria
with our attitude. Don't posters. of a special instrument del Carmen. My parents
give up, don't be disturbed Family and friends always attached to my mouth I'm are Jorge and Adelina. I
surround me with love; by drugs, it's not the way, able to hold the brushes was born in Caborca, State
however, one of the most love your family, your real and thus paint using my of Sonora in Mexico on
significant people in my life friends all those always mouth. In September, I April 3, 1964. When I was
is my mother. From the returned home and in make us feel better with 7, I went to Francis Xavier
time of my accident she November 1982 I painted their company, and all School, where I learned
has been always by my side my first masterpiece: those fight with us when drawing. I learned various
to help me in every Sunset. From that moment we are wrong. Life is short styles, it was useful. While
possible way. When I'm until now I've painted over to be angry. still a child, the school
painting she is by my side, 850 major works, now teacher asked what I Thanks Fr. Antonio
moving the frames when I displayed worldwide. wanted to become when I Barrientos, for this space
cannot reach them with The inspirational source of grew up, I said, I would like in the magazine, God
the brushes; she seats me most of my painting is my to be a painter. bless you.
to paint and in a word she imagination. However, I've In March 1981, a few days
helps me with every detail. also painted based on before I turned 17, on my
23 Salesian Newslink ZMB
Alina Trevor and I
6 things
a child needs to hear
I love you
I believe in you
You’re one in a million
You make me proud
Great-job, well done!
You are very special
(from Girls and Boys Town, SA)interpreted as a sign of myself? How aware was I Note that Paul does not say
hatred. As a Christian, to-day of the presence of “speaking the truth”, but
In the account of the when I greet another, it is the others who live with speaking the truth “in
Visitation of Mary to her an expression of my faith me, or whom I meet in my love”. The contents of our
cousin Elizabeth as that his person is made in day-to-day activities? communication must
recorded in Luke's Gospel God's image, that this always be true, and the Secondly, we should ask
1:39-45 we have a person is my brother/sister m o t i v a t i o n f o r o u r for the grace of a growing
wonderful example of in the Lord. When I greet communicating must faith-vision-to see others,
Mary communicating with my brother/sister, I am always be Christian love. not as means to my own
others. Mary was a Lady greeting Christ the Lord. Lying is a sin, an offence self-advancement; not as
who cared for others. We W h e n I g r e e t m y against God, a moral evil people to be used by me
are not surprised to find brother/sister I'm greeting because it destroys basic for my own selfish ends;
her at the Wedding Feast C h r i s t h i m s e l f a n d trust between human not as people to be
of Cana helping people, preparing myself to “greet beings, and so it destroys m a n i p u l a t e d o r
because she had already Him when He comes real communication dominated, but as my
travelled, when she herself again” as the phrase in the between human beings. precious brothers and
was with Child into the hill- 3rd Eucharistic Prayer puts Also making promises sisters whom Christ loves.
country of Judea to visit her it. which we do not intend of Christian communication
cousin Elizabeth. She keep, and breaking
wanted to visit Elizabeth, promises which we have
she wanted to listen to made to others i.e. not
Elizabeth's story, and she keeping our word, breaks
w a n t e d i n t u r n t o down trust between
communicate her deepest human beings and so
We do not become good is basically an expression thoughts and feelings to destroys communication.
communicators overnight. of our love for others. How her. Finally, communicating
It is a life-long process. can we say we love others
In our traditional culture with others in a Christian
How can we grow to be if we are not willing to
greetings are valued way requires the wisdom
good communicators? communicate with them.
highly. There is so much to know when to speak
Perhaps the following Communicating with wisdom in the traditional and when to be silent;
guidelines may help. I others involves listening. B e m b a p r o v e r b : prudence, the wisdom to
think, first and foremost we To listen to another “Wapoleni Wakulule know what to say and
must become more aware requires a certain humility; Umushi” – “Greetings when and where and how
of the presence of others. the humility to forget b u i l d t h e v i l l a g e ” . and to whom to say it. The
We can sometimes be so ourselves for a moment, G r e e t i n g s a r e t h e spirit of prudence, the spirit
wrapped up in ourselves, the humility to be ready to beginning of human of right judgement, of
that we fail even to learn from others. And we communication. When we discernment enables me to
recognize the presence of can learn from everyone. greet someone, we distinguish between
others. It is very useful, So we should ask for the r e c o g n i z e h i s / h e r confidential and non-
spiritually, to ask ourselves, grace of a humble, presence. And if our confidential information.
in our daily Examination of listening spirit. greeting is sincere, and Christians are morally
Conscience, the question:
coming from the heart, it is Communicating with bound to keep secretes;
“Did I really think of
a sign of our deep respect others involves speaking b e c a u s e r e v e a l i n g
anyone else, apart from
for others. To refuse to the truth in charity (Eph confidential information
myself today? Or were all
greet another in the 4:15) “speaking the truth is destroys trust between
my thoughts, all my
community is a sin against love … we are to grow up in individuals and so destroys
thinking centred on
charity. It could be every way into Christ.” communication.
Salesian Newslink ZMB 25
Mary our Model in communicating
By Fr Anthony Geoghegan S.J

“Wapoleni Wakulule Umushi” –
“Greetings build the village”. Greetings are
the beginning of human communication26 Salesian Newslink ZMB
Provincial Youth Delegate, animated the three-day
meeting of youth delegates. The meeting began with
the reports from the communities and the sharing of
the various experiences of youth work in the various
settings of the Salesian Missions of ZMB.
Part of the agenda was to revise the duties of each
youth delegate as laid down by the Provincial Organic
Plan and the Strategic Plan of ZMB. A full session was
dedicated to the understanding of the EPC and SEPP.
The participants expressed their concerns in getting
people on board, and most especially, they expressed
their doubts when it comes to the animating nucleus
[the Salesian community]. They said, “When things are
not clear at the community level or when the
responsible of the community does not cultivate the
leadership qualities that are expected of him, it will not
After the first two sessions, the delegates had the time
to interact with each other and raise some questions to
clarify the concepts discussed in the morning sessions.
On the second day, the theme of the Salesian Youth
Movement was the main topic of the sessions that
followed. The nature of the meeting was described,
along with its goals, strategies and lines of action. The
SYM meeting will take place in Chingola in the month
Lusaka (Zambia) 4-6/02/2014
of July.
By Fr. Javier A. Barrientos SDB
Printed materials for leadership programmes and for
the formation of Lay Collaborators were also made At the beginning of February and following the ZMB
available to the delegates. The meeting ended with the Provincial Calendar for 2014, the members of the
revision of the forthcoming activities planned for the Youth Commission and all the Community Youth
Pastoral Year 2014, such as the Meeting of Volunteers, Delegates have gathered together at the provincial
Easter Camp, SYM Congress and the Zone house in Chawama to hold the annual meeting for
CampoBosco. Youth Animation.Fr J. Antonio Barrientos, the
By Sr Caroline Chitenta FMA
City of Joy - Mazabuka
youth commision
& youth delegates’
Provincial Events
will definitely affect the future of they shared in the forum, their
society and of the Church (Const. 26). success stories and difficulties. This
The Salesian Parish of Bauleni, sharing helped each other to grow
Zambia has 20 Small Christian and learn from others. The
Communities (SCC). It is advised and attendance was remarkable, although
expected that each SCC should a few missed it out. Those who did
animate their own youngsters and not participate on that day were
prepare them to contribute to the called and motivated to involve
growth of the Parish. In the past only themselves in such youth-oriented
a hand full of SCCs achieved the goal. programmes. They accepted to
This year more activities are planned gather on 26th January and get the
BAULENI, LUSAKA(ZAMBIA). to bring vibrancy in the youth benefits of youth promotion. In
18/01/2014. ministry. The first among them was Bauleni, though the appearance,
FORMATION MEETING an Youth Promotion Programme on freshness and existence of the young
FOR THE PATRONS AND 18th January 2014 for the patrons is still a ever green fact, in reality it
MATRONS OF THE YOUTH and matrons of youth groups in the needs rejuvenation. That revamping
Small Christian Communities. Fr. is being carried out now. Bro. Gabriel
'Each youth is like a child born in the
Javier Antonio sdb, the in charge of sdb is the one who is spearheading
night who sees the sun rise and thinks
the youth ministry – ZMB, was the the work of bringing back the youth
that yesterday never existed.' These
resource person of the day. This able ministry alive in Bauleni. The vigour
words of W. Somerset Maugham
hand made them realise the and the spirit of youth is coming back
gives affirmation and great hopes on
importance of youth work and their to 'summer morn' and 'summer brave'
the vigour and the nature of
own role in recreating and refreshing (from the poem The Passionate
youthfulness. In this present era,
the youth ministry in their own small Pilgrim, William Shakespeare).
young people's own basic life-choices
Christian communities. After lunch, Salesian Newslink ZMB 27
counting on you! May Mary,
Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
always accompany you with her
oung people from 35
tenderness: GO AND MAKE
parishes of Lusaka
Archdiocese gathered
is you duty as young catholic to
at the Cathedral of Child
go and reach out to peers, bring
Jesus to celebrate the Youth Day
the Gospel to them which has the
2014. The theme of the day was:
power to remove and break down
“Go Make Disciples of All nations”
evil and violence, to destroy and
– sharing the Brasil experience.
conquer the barriers of selfishness,
The whole day began with Holy
intolerance and hatred. Let us
Eucharist presided by Fr. Antonio
again remember the Church needs
Barrientos SDB. Other priests
you, your creativity and
con-celebrating came from
enthusiasm to build new and
different countries like: Poland,
better world. After the Mass
Italy, Kenya, Peru and Zambia. It
activities continued in the Youth
was a sign that the celebration was
Hall where performance from the
indeed an International Youth
group of young people that
Day.In the homily Fr. Andrew
participated in WYD in Rio last
emphasized that young should
year was the main focus.
not forget God in their lives, in
Congratulations to all who
daily situations. We are called to
participated in preparations for the
proclaim the message of Christ
Youth Day as well as all those who
and do it without fear. Like Jesus,
actively participated in the actual
we should be there to serve each
day. It was a wonderful
other. It is easy to fall in the trap of
experience. Now we can look
power, possessions and pleasures
forward to our next year Youth
of life without God in it. This
Day celebration in August 2015.
causes that things happen to us,
The next International World
not always good things, but if we
Youth Day will take place in
put God first in our lives then we
POLAND in 2016. The hosting
will make things happen, we will
city will by KRAKOW.
be the winners. In words of Pope
Francis we say: “Jesus Christ is
counting on you! The Church is
counting on you! The Pope is
Young People at during the Eucharist celebration at the Cathedral
Fr Rupen with a group of WYD Rio 2013
To our contributors: next issue is due at the
end of May. Forward your articles to ROADMAP
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4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
ZMB PHOTO - Issue No 28
1- Rome (ITALY): A child playing with Pope 8. Hwange (ZIMBABWE): Delegation from
Francis in joy and simplicity. Kabwe after vising Holy Family Parish
2. Lusaka (ZAMBIA): Fr Andrew Reut and formerly under the Salesian Community.
priests that were present for the Archdiocesan 9. Hwange (ZIMBABWE): Fr Tresford Chota sdb,
WYD celebrations. walking among the young during the youth
3. Kabwe (ZAMBIA): Fr Mariusz Skowron after festival.
the first mass celebrated in ciBemba. The new 10. Lilongwe (MALAWI): Students of Don Bosco
church is already in use although still under Technical College during the morning
construction. assembly.
4. Kabwe (ZAMBIA): A group of Stella Girls 11. Chingola (ZAMBIA): Fr Leszek Aksamit sdb,
posing with their new dresses, donation from working hand in hand the with the pre-novices,
Kindermissionswerg. re-estructuring the farm and poultry of the
5. Bauleni (ZAMBIA): Br Joseph Anh directing community.
the children from the oratory in a choir 12. Lusaka (ZAMBIA): Fr Jorge Ormeño posing
practice. with two girls from City of Hope after the
6. Nkhotakota (MALAWI): Parishioners of St Christmas Play at the end of 2013.
Paul’s parish after the Sunday Mass. 13. Lilongwe (MALAWI)): Fr Alex Kim on the
7. Hwange (ZIMBABWE): Br Christopher Kole day of the official opening of the New
with a group of youngsters during the Youth Classrooms of the Tsabango Primary School,
Festival: “Youth Volunteer for Christ”. donation from the South Korea.