
33rd WORLD YOUTH DAY 2018 in Rome - Vatican

Fruits of the Pre-Synodal youth encounter with the young - 'Preferred places the young people like to meet the Church' 


After six full days of intense work of 300 young people who rapresented all five continents and all Catholic bishops confrerences (with help of other 15.000 online participants of the Synod 2018 about Youth - Faith - Vocation Discernment, on 25th of March, the youth offered to Pope Francis the final document - summary of their one week work (download from Boscolink possible). This global listening to the young people in Rome was attended for one half a day personally by Pope Francis, two interview are available also on the ANS Youtube channel (Czech interview in English and Uruguay interview in Spanish).

The Palm Sunday Eucharist celebrated in the sunny Vatican Plaza of St. Peter by Pope Francis, many bishops, priest and attended by thousands of young people was also conclusion of the Pre-synodal meeting. Pope Francis recalled that Palm Sunday is also Diocesan World Youth Day (33rd) and prayed that the Mother of God will accompany this new generation towards the October Synod and World Youth Day, in Panama next January 2019.

Final Document of the Pre-Synodal Meeting of the Young People is a collation of sharing done in 20 linguistic groups (15000 online and 300 off-line) of the young people from all five continents: 12 (A4) pages document is a honest synthesis of the young people voices grouped around:
1. Challenges and Opportunities of the young today
2. Relationship with other people
3. Youth people and the future
4. Relationship with Technology
5. Search for Meaning in Life
6. Young People and Jesus
7. Faith and the Church
8. Vocational sense of Life
9. Vocation discernment
10. Young People and accompaniment
11. The manner of the Church
12. Young Leaders
13. Preferred places - 'We would like the Church to meet us in the various places'
14. The initiatives to be reinforced
15. Instruments to be used: suggested multimedia, volunteer experience, adoration, meditation and contemplation, testimony and synod process of listening.
Indeed the 2018 Synod of Bishops offers to us Salesians a golden opportunity to appreciate and make fruitful our charism as servants of the young that starts with listening.